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Configure Superset to read data from RisingWave

Apache Superset is an open-source data exploration and data visualization software application. As a database, RisingWave can act as a data source for Business Intelligence tools like Apache Superset.

This guide will go over how to:

  • Connect RisingWave to Superset.
  • Create a dashboard.


Install and start RisingWave

To install and start RisingWave locally, see the Get started guide. We recommend running RisingWave locally for demo purposes.

Connect to a streaming source. For details on connecting to streaming sources and what sources are supported with RisingWave, see CREATE SOURCE.

Install Apache Superset

To install Apache Superset, follow the instructions in Installing locally using Docker Compose. This guide will cover how to install the database driver in Docker, so we recommend installing it using Docker Compose.

Establish the connection between Superset and RisingWave

Start Apache Superset

Launch an instance of Apache Superset by following the instructions in Launch Superset through Docker Compose. To start Superset, enter http://localhost:8088 into your web browser.

If it is your first time starting Superset and the webpage asks for a username and password, use admin for both.

The following UI page should appear.

Superset UI

Connect to RisingWave

Note that, if you're serving Superset in docker-compose, the PostgresSQL connector library psycopg2 comes out of the box with Superset.

If not, you need install the psycopg2 driver for Superset. The Installing Database Drivers guide lists the required driver.

  1. In Superset, select Settings > Database connections.

  2. Click + Database.

  3. In the window that pops up, under Select a database to connect, select the PostgresSQL card.

  4. Fill in the following fields:

    • HOST: host.docker.internal
    • PORT: 4566
    • DATABASE NAME: dev
    • USERNAME: root
    • DISPLAY NAME: RW (optional)
  5. Click Connect.

Add database in Superset

Create a dashboard

Create tables or materialized views in RisingWave

Instead of using Superset to create materialized views or tables, use RisingWave. For this guide, we will create the table t and insert some data.

Once RisingWave starts, use the following queries to create the table t and insert some values to the table.

CREATE TABLE t (v float, ts timestamp);
INSERT INTO t VALUES (1.0, '2022-11-15 15:35:40'),
(2.1, '2022-11-15 15:36:24'),
(3.5, '2022-11-15 15:37:32'),
(4.2, '2022-11-15 15:38:12'),
(4.2, '2022-11-15 15:38:21');

Create and export tables or materialized views

Export the data from materialized views or tables in RisingWave to Superset:

  1. Select Datasets then + Dataset.

  2. In the window that pops up, under Database, select RisingWave.

  3. Under Schema, select the schema the table or materialized view was created in. By default, they are in the public schema.

  4. Select the materialized view or table to be exported to Superset. In this guide, we'll select t.

Once the materialized view has been added as a dataset, it can be used to create dashboards.

Create a dashboard in Superset

To create a dashboard based on the table t:

  1. Click Create chart.

  2. Select table t.

  3. Select Time-series line chart as the rendering method.

  4. Specify ts as the time column.

  5. Specify AVG(v) as the metric.

  6. Click Update chart. The query results will be rendered into a line chart.

Create a dashboard in Superset

For more details on creating dashboards, see the Creating your first dashboard guide.

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