
SQL features

  • Query syntax:
    • Public preview: Supports ASOF JOIN to join and find the closest matching record by the event time or another ordered property. #18683
    • Supports AGGREGATE: prefixed scalar function in streaming aggregation. #18205
    • Supports using user-defined aggregate functions as window function. #18181
    • Supports blocking subscription cursors and configuring cursor timeouts. #18675
  • SQL commands:
    • Enhances observability of cursors and subscription cursors by improving output results of SHOW SUBSCRIPTION CURSORS and SHOW CURSORS commands. #18896
  • SQL functions & operators:
    • Public preview: Supports the TVF postgres_query. #18811
  • System catalog:
    • Supports pg_catalog.pg_sequence. #18714
    • Supports information_schema.table_constraints. #18716
    • Supports information_schema.schemata. #18709


  • Breaking change: Changes scan.startup.mode=latest for NATS source connector to start consuming from next available message instead of last one. #18733
  • Public preview: Supports shared Kafka sources, which can be disabled by session variable streaming_use_shared_source. #18749
  • Supports recursively scanning file sources. #18324
  • Supports schemaless ingestion for data in JSON format from Kafka sources by using INCLUDE payload clause. #18437
  • Adds a set of options for NATS source connector based on the async_nats crate. #17615
  • Adds a required option, consumer.durable_name, for NATS source connector. #18873
  • Supports option max_packet_size for MQTT sources. #18520
  • Supports option database.encrypt for SQL Server CDC sources. #18912
  • Supports ingesting data from a partitioned table for PostgreSQL CDC sources. #18456
  • Supports option auto.schema.change for PostgreSQL CDC sources to enable replicating Postgres table schema change. #18760
  • Requires upstream table name to also be prefixed with database name when creating a SQL Server CDC table. #18868
  • Adds JSON encode for file sinks, allowing users to sink JSON files into object storage. #18744
  • Supports create_table_if_not_exists option for Iceberg sink connector. #18362
  • Supports WebHDFS sinks. #18293
  • Removes option bulk_write_max_entries for MongoDB sink and option default_max_batch_rows for DynamoDB sink. Adds options max_batch_item_nums and max_future_send_nums for DynamoDB sink. #17645
  • Sets sink decoupling as the default policy for MongoDB, DynamoDB, and Redis sink connectors. #17645
  • Supports option routing_column for ElasticSearch sinks, allowing a column to be set as a routing key. #18698
  • Supports specifying batching strategy when sinking data in Parquet format. #18472

Installation and deployment

  • Adds a CLI argument of --license-key-path for the meta node, enabling a background task to watch and reload license key from the specified file. #18768

Cluster configuration changes

  • When visibility_mode is set to all, the latest uncommitted data will be queried, but consistency is no longer guaranteed between the tables. #18230
  • Supports SET TIME ZONE INTERVAL '+00:00' HOUR TO MINUTE as equivalent to SET TIME ZONE UTC. #18705
  • The etcd metastore is fully deprecated and unsupported. Users previously utilizing etcd metastore must manually migrate to a SQL backend (PostgreSQL, MySQL, or SQLite) to upgrade to v2.1.


See the Full Changelog here.


SQL features

  • Query syntax:
    • Public preview: Supports AS CHANGELOG to convert any stream into an append-only changelog. #17132
    • Supports time travel query to access historical data at a specific point in time. #17665, #17621.
    • Supports CORRESPONDING specification in set operations. #17891
  • SQL commands:
    • Breaking change: DECLARE cursor_name SUBSCRIPTION CURSOR is the same as DECLARE cursor_name SUBSCRIPTION CURSOR since now(), which will be consumed from the current time. DECLARE cursor_name SUBSCRIPTION CURSOR FULL will start consuming data from stock. The type of operation has changed to varchar. It is one of Insert, Delete, UpdateInset, or UpdateDelete. #18217
    • Public preview: Supports managing database credentials securely. #17456
    • SHOW CURSORS will return all query cursors in the current session. SHOW SUBSCRIPTION CURSORS will return all subscription cursors and subscriptions in the current session. #18217
    • Allows ALTER TABLE on tables with generated columns. #17652
    • Allows dropping generated columns from tables created with a schema registry. #17689
    • Supports using scalar functions with list inputs as aggregate functions. #17622
    • Supports altering the backfill rate limit for materialized views. #17911
  • SQL functions & operators:
    • Public preview: Supports approx_percentile(). #17814, #17873.
    • Public preview: Supports native map type and related functions for map, and ingesting AVRO MAP type into RisingWave map type. #17986
    • Public preview: Supports scanning a directory of parquet files. #17811
    • Supports pg_index_column_has_property() to query index column properties. #17275
    • Supports continuous timestamp generation in streaming mode. #17371
    • Supports acosd(). #9876
    • Supports function rw_recovery_status() and pg_is_in_recovery() to retrieve the meta node status. #17641
  • System catalog:
    • Adds append_only column in RisingWave catalogs rw_tables and rw_materialized_views. #17598
    • Adds RisingWave catalog rw_catalog.rw_secrets. #17726


  • Public preview: Supports ingesting Avro map type for source connectors. #17980
  • Public preview: Supports encoding parquet for file source. #17201
  • Public preview: Supports batch reading S3 Parquet files. #17625, #17673.
  • Supports AWS Glue schema registry with aws.glue.schema_arn parameter. #17605
  • Supports creating tables and sources with format upsert encode protobuf. #17624
  • Supports ingesting Avro Union type for source connectors. #17485
  • Supports reading files compressed in gzip format. #16538
  • Adds the option to use a semicolon as the delimiter for CSV encode. #17356
  • Uses OpenDAL to connect to S3 object store state backend. #18011
  • Public preview: Supports replicating DDL for MySQL CDC source. #17876
  • Supports parameter refresh.interval.sec option for S3, GCS, and POSIX sources. #18184
  • Supports parameter group.id.prefix for Kafka sources. #18115
  • Validates slot name of PostgreSQL CDC sources. #17949
  • Supports altering backfill_rate_limit of CDC tables. #17989
  • Public preview: Supports sinking data to file systems in parquet format. #17311
  • Supports upsert Protobuf type sinks, which requires KEY ENCODE TEXT. #18024
  • Adds option jsonb.handling.mode under WITH options for sinks in JSON format. #17693
  • Public preview: Supports Azure Blob sinks. #18244
  • Public preview: Supports MongoDB sinks. #17102
  • Supports Azure Blob file sources. #18295
  • Supports glue catalog for iceberg sink and source. #17477
  • Adds jdbc.query.timeout for JDBC sinks to set the timeout for queries. #18430
  • Changes default Kafka sink message timeout from five seconds to five minutes. #18304
  • Adds new parameters retry_on_conflict, batch_size_kb, batch_num_messages, and concurrent_requests for ElasticSearch sink. #17867
  • Supports parameter bigquery.retry_times for BigQuery sink. #17237
  • Supports parameter bigquery.auto_create_table for BigQuery sink. #17393
  • Supports parameter doris.partial_columns for Doris sink. #16821
  • Supports ClickHouse sink checkpoint decouple. #17491
  • Sets sink decouple as default for all sinks. #18182
  • Uses S3’s SQS notification to complete the import of data from Snowflake instead of the Snowflake HTTP client. #17627
  • Ensures at-least-once delivery semantic and eventual consistency for Kinesis sink. #17983
  • Supports backfilling by consuming a fixed snapshot of upstream table and then the upstream data epoch by epoch. #17735

Installation and deployment

  • Supports configuring the SQL metastore using username, password, and database separately. #17530
  • Supports more seamless scaling-in in Kubernetes deployments. #17802

Cluster configuration changes

  • Breaking change: Refactors streaming_rate_limit into source_rate_limit and backfill_rate_limit. #17796
  • Breaking change: Adds a default soft and hard limit on actor count per worker parallelism. When the hard limit is reached, streaming workloads will fail. #18383
  • Introduces batch.developer.exchange_connection_pool_size and streaming.developer.exchange_connection_pool_size to configure streaming and batch remote exchange between two nodes. #17768
  • Introduces system parameter license_key used to enable enterprise features. #17396


  • Deletes related cursors when deleting a subscription. #17232


See the Full Changelog here.


SQL features

  • Query syntax:
  • SQL commands:
    • Supports specifying the authorization and omitting the schema name when creating a schema. #16806.
    • Supports session window in batch and emit-on-window-close mode. #17098.
    • Supports fetching multiple rows from a subscription cursor. #16764.
    • Supports user-defined aggregate functions for embedded Python and JavaScript UDFs. #16874.
  • SQL functions & operators:
    • Supports has_table_privilege(), has_schema_privilege(), and has_any_column_privilege(). #16674.
    • Supports quote_literal() and quote_nullable(). #16807.
    • Supports pg_get_keywords(). #17033.
    • Supports jsonb_set(). #17124.
    • Allows the specified time zone of AT TIME ZONE to be non-literal. #17395
  • System catalog:
    • Supports rw_catalog.actor_id_to_ddl and rw_catalog.fragment_id_to_ddl. #17229.


  • Avro schemas with "default": "NaN" and positive and negative infinities, are supported as float and double types. #17309.
  • Supports ingesting simple AVRO MAP types as JSONB. #16948.
  • Supports ingesting avro uuid types as varchar. #17069.
  • Supports ingesting avro with internal Ref types. #17052.
  • Adds aws prefix to AWS related parameters when creating a source or sink. #16671.
  • Supports using AWS IAM to connect to Amazon MSK. #16625.
  • Adds pubsub.parallelism under the WITH option for Google PubSub source. #16733.
  • Supports INCLUDE TIMESTAMP [AS] clause for MySQL, PostgreSQL, and MongoDB CDC tables.#16833.
  • Supports additional metadata columns for CDC tables. #17051.
  • Automatically maps upstream table schema when creating MySQL and PostgreSQL tables. #16986.
  • Sets a network timeout for JDBC sink connections. #17244.
  • Enables sink decouple by default for Kafka, Kinesis, Pulsar, Google Pub/Sub, NATS, MQTT, ClickHouse sinks. #17221.
  • Supports the KEY ENCODE clause when creating a sink. #16377.
  • Supports FORMAT PLAIN ENCODE AVRO for Kafka sinks. #17216.
  • Supports DynamoDB sink. #16670.
  • Supports Microsoft SQL Server sinks for self-hosted SQL Server and Azure SQL. #17154.
  • Supports OpenSearch sink. #16330.
  • Supports checkpoint decouple for StarRocks sinks. #16816.
  • Supports checkpoint decouple for Delta Lake sinks. #16777.
  • Supports sinking serial types. #16969.

Cluster configuration changes

  • Sets arrangement backfill as the default. #14846.
  • Supports spill hash join to avoid OOM issues. #17122.
  • Supports spill hash aggregation for batch queries. #16771.
  • Changes the algorithm that calculates the reserve memory size. #16992.

Bug fixes

  • Improves error message and location of the cursor. #16959.
  • Improves error message when trying to create a CDC source with columns. #16636.
  • Allows GRANT and REVOKE privileges on views. #16699.


See the Full Changelog here.


v1.9.0 was skipped due to some critical bugs.

SQL features

  • Query syntax:
    • Supports non-append-only temporal joins, where the outer side is not required to be append-only. #16286.
  • SQL commands:
    • Supports DISCARD ALL command for Npgsql compatibility. #16432.
    • Supports creating, dropping, altering, and showing subscriptions. #14831.
    • Supports cursors for subscription queues. #15180.
    • Supports altering stream rate limit for sources and tables with a source. #16399.
    • Supports RECOVER command to trigger an ad-hoc recovery. #16259.
  • SQL functions & operators:
    • Supports jsonb_populate_record() and jsonb_populate_recordset(). #13421.
  • System catalog:
    • Supports system table rw_iceberg_files for displaying the files of an Iceberg source or table. #16180.
    • Supports system table rw_iceberg_snapshot for listing all snapshots. #16175.


  • Provides stable support for SQLAlchemy 2.0. #29.
  • Deprecates s3 connector. #16337.
  • Supports generated columns for non-shared CDC tables. #16522.
  • Supports time travel for Iceberg sources. #15866.
  • Blocks sink creation until backfill is completed by default. #16249.
  • Supports Kafka connector parameter properties.request.required.acks. #16482.
  • Adds connector parameter ssl.mode for PostgreSQL and Neon source connector. #15690.
  • Adds connector parameter ssl.mode for MySQL source connector. #16579.
  • Supports parameters snapshot.interval and snapshot.batch_size under WITH options when creating a table from a CDC source. #16426.
  • Supports implicitly converting numeric types from PostgreSQL sources into rw_int256 or varchar. #16346.
  • Supports configuring the timeout of CDC sources. #16598.
  • Supports timestamptz.handling.mode formatting option when creating a source with PLAIN, UPSERT, or DEBEZIUM JSON formats. #16265.
  • Only uses fragment ID as group ID for Kafka sources. #16111.
  • Supports cluster URLs for Redis sink connector. #16034.
  • Supports creating Delta sinks with GCS. #16182.
  • Supports Snowflake sink connector. #15429.
  • Supports creating upsert type BigQuery sinks. #15780.

Installation and deployment

  • Sets PostgreSQL as the default meta store when deploying with Docker Compose. #16724.

Cluster configuration changes

  • Supports using ALTER SYSTEM to set a system-wide default value for a session parameter. #16062.
  • Modifies the meaning of streaming_rate_limit=0, which now means pausing the snapshot read stream for backfill, and pausing source read for sources. This statement previously disabled the rate limit within the session. #16333.
  • Supports configuring the reserved memory bytes of the compute node by using RW_RESERVED_MEMORY_BYTES runtime parameter and reserved-memory-bytes startup option. #16433.
  • Introduce new timeout and retry configurations for ObjectStore and deprecate ambiguous timeout configurations. #16231.


  • Properly convert -inf, +inf, and nan types to null for JDBC sinks. #16230.
  • Handles sinking -inf, +inf, and nan types for ClickHouse, Doris, and StarRocks sink connectors. #15664.
  • Fixes an issue where DELETE events could not be sinked if the primary key is uuid type for JDBC sinks.#16447.
  • Fixes an issue where enum types from PostgreSQL could not be ingested as varchar types. #16423.
  • Fixes sources with encode avro on decimal ingesting. #16202.
  • Fixes sources with encode avro on bytes/fixed/decimal default value. #16414.


See the Full Changelog here.


SQL features

  • Query syntax:
    • Supports RANGE frames in window function calls. #14416.
  • SQL commands:
    • Adds support for embedded Rust UDFs. #14903.
    • Adds support for embedded Python UDFs. #15168.
    • Supports refreshing the schema of a table created using an external connection to get the latest schema. #15025.
    • Supports refreshing the schema of a source to get the latest schema. #15541.
    • Adds a description column to the system parameters table. #15113.
    • Supports authenticating with OAuth token acquired from the Cloud when creating a user. #13151.
  • SQL functions & operators:
    • Supports ruby-pg. #14859.
    • Supports VARIADIC arguments for the functions format, concat_ws, jsonb_build_array, jsonb_build_object, jsonb_extract_path, jsonb_extract_path_text. #14753.
    • Supports concat function. #14753.
  • System catalog:
    • Adds missing columns for  pg_catalog.pg_indexrw_catalog.rw_columns and information_schema.columns, and system view pg_catalog.pg_partitioned_table. #15151.
    • Supports pg_catalog.pg_constraint for DBeaver compatibility. #15227.
    • Supports pg_catalog.pg_stat_get_numscans for DBeaver. #15642.
    • Supports system table rw_depend. #15385.
    • Supports pg_settings catalog. #15108.


  • Breaking change: Sinks created from v1.6 and earlier that have decouple enabled may cause compatibility issues. Check if you have any sinks with this configuration by using the internal table rw_sink_decouple before upgrading to v1.8. #15613.
  • Avro tables and sources now require a schema registry during creation. #15256.
  • Supports using Karapace when specifying a schema registry when creating a Kafka source. #15486.
  • Supports Protobuf data format for NATS JetStream source. #15378.
  • Supports Confluent schema registry for Kafka sinks when using FORMAT PLAIN ENCODE PROTOBUF. #15546.
  • Adds Kafka sink and source parameter enable.ssl.certificate.verification. #15073.
  • Supports max_batch_rows and  request_timeout parameters for Cassandra and ScyllaDB sources. #15516.
  • Adds built-in MongoDB CDC source connector. #14966.
  • Adds ignore_option parameter for sources created using Debezium format. #15304.
  • Supports batch read from Iceberg source. #15214.
  • Supports automatically deriving columns from Iceberg source. #15415.
  • Supports JDBC catalog for Iceberg sources. #15551.
  • Adds JDBC and Hive catalogs for Iceberg sink. #14885.

Installation and deployment

  • Supports tab-completion for SET and ALTER SYSTEM SET commands in psql client. #15123.
  • Supports SQL meta store. #16019.

Bug fixes

  • Fixes an issue where built-in CDC connectors do not accept empty passwords. #15411.
  • Fixes an issue where materialized views created on a shared CDC source were allowed. #15635.


See the Full Changelog here.


SQL features

  • Query syntax:
    • Supports using * when creating a table or source with schema from an external connector to read all columns. #14644.
    • Supports INCLUDE clause to add additional connector columns. #14215.
    • Supports INCLUDE HEADER clause to specify desired keys in header and make it a column. #14628.
  • SQL commands:
    • Supports changing the schema registry by redefining the format_encode_options. #14057.
  • SQL functions & operators:
    • Adds experimental support for JavaScript UDF. #14513.
    • Adds experimental support for Rust UDF. #14271.
    • Supports implicit type cast for UDF. #14458.
    • Supports named SQL UDF. #14806.
    • Supports encrypt and decrypt functions. #14717.
    • Supports make_date(), make_time(), and make_timestamp(). #14827.
  • System catalog:
    • Change rw_streaming_parallelism to allow queries on streaming job parallelism with job name and type. Adds system view rw_fragment_parallelism to allow for queries on parallelism information at fragment level #14789, #14261.
    • Adds relpersistence in pg_class catalog. #14400.
    • Supports pg_get_viewdef(). #14336.


  • Cassandra and ScyllaDB sinks no longer support timestamp type. #14413.
  • Updates StarRocks sink connector parameters. #14823.
  • Introduces snapshot option to allow users to disable CDC backfill and to only consume from the latest changelog. #14718.
  • Sets the default value of transactional parameter to true for MySQL and Postgres CDC shared sources. #14899.

Installation and deployment

  • [Pre-Release] Supports the standalone mode to run RisingWave in a single process. #14951.
  • Supports Alibaba Cloud OSS as the storage backend.

Cluster configuration changes

  • Introduce a session variable batch_enable_distributed_dml to enable batch ingesting. #14630.
  • Changes wording from AUTO to ADAPTIVE parallelism. #14414.
  • Supports adaptive scaling for streaming jobs by default. #14873.


See the Full Changelog here.


SQL features

  • Query syntax:
    • Allows NOW in upper bound condition for temporal filters. #13985.
    • Supports temporal filters with multiple OR expressions. #14382.
    • Supports <expr> [ NOT ] SIMILAR TO <pat> [ ESCAPE <esc_text> ] clause. #14000.
    • Breaking change: Fixes the correctness of SOME, ALL, and ANY expressions. Drop and recreate any materialized views that use these expressions. #14221.
    • Supports array subquery and \du command. #14044.
    • Supports SET PARALLELISM clause for ALTER commands. #14240.
  • SQL commands:
    • Technical preview feature: Supports CREATE SINK INTO TABLE Multiple sinks can use the same table as the destination. #13185, #13659.
  • SQL functions & operators:
    • Breaking change: 0b10 is now interpreted as binary 10 instead of 0 as b10. Integer literals can be given in hex 0x, oct 0o, and bin 0b. #14262.
    • Supports interval type as input for to_char(). #14071.
    • Supports NULL and fraction expression as direct arguments of ordered-set aggregate functions. #14080.
  • System catalog:
    • Add system view rw_streaming_parallelism. #14261.


  • Adds CDC backfill support for Postgres so users can ingest multiple PostgreSQL tables with a single replication slot. #13958.
  • Support multi-table transactions from upstream MySQL & Postgres CDC. Specify transactional = true in the WITH options to enable it. #14375.
  • Renames scan.startup.timestamp_millis to scan.startup.timestamp.millis for Kafka, Pulsar, and NATS source. #13656.
  • Adds properties.ssl.endpoint.identification.algorithm parameter for Kafka source and sink.#13990.
  • Supports FORMAT PLAIN ENCODE PROTOBUF syntax for Kafka sink. #12858.
  • Supports GCS file source. #13414.
  • Breaking change: For ClickHouse sinks, timestamptz can be sinked to DateTime64timestamp cannot be sinked and has to be converted to timestamptz first before being sinked. #13672.
  • For Elasticsearch sinks, the default es.type is set as _doc for Elasticsearch 6.x and 7.x, and is removed in Elasticsearch 8.x. RisingWave’s Elasticsearch sink will now send JSONB as a JSON string, and Elasticsearch will convert it into an object. #14273.
  • connector = 'iceberg_java' is deprecated, and users can only Iceberg sinks with the Rust version of Iceberg. Similarly, the DeltaLake sink will also use the Rust version implementation. #14277.
  • Supports StarRocks sink. #12681.

Installation and deployment

  • Allows for storage.prefetch_buffer_capacity_mb to be configured in the TOML file to prevent out-of-memory issues. #13558.
  • Supports Huawei Cloud OBS as the storage backend. #13844.

Cluster configuration changes

  • Supports setting statement_timeout value for queries. #13933.
  • Exposes SSL functionality through RW_SSL_CERT and RW_SSL_KEY environment variables to configure SSL certificates and key file location. #14062.


See the Full Changelog here.


SQL features

  • SQL Commands:
    • Supports SET SCHEMA syntax for ALTER {TABLE t | [MATERIALIZED] VIEW (m)v | SOURCE src | SINK sink | CONNECTION c | FUNCTION f( argument_type [, ...] )}. #13341.
    • Supports RENAME TO syntax for ALTER { DATABASE db | SCHEMA s}. #13713.
    • Supports KILL command. #13434
    • Supports SHOW PROCESSLIST command. #13287.
    • Supports SET TO DEFAULT command. #13693.
    • Supports SHOW COLUMNS and DESCRIBE from sinks and views. #13626.
  • SQL functions & operators
    • Supports list and struct types for jsonb_agg and jsonb_object_agg. #13299.
    • Supports jsonb_build_array and jsonb_build_object. #13198.
    • Supports to_jsonb. #13161.
    • Supports JSON path operators and functions. #13568.
    • Supports array operators @> and <@. #13253.
    • Fixes the correctness of case expressions. Previously if there were multiple matching values, the last one would match. #13890. The fix introduces a breaking change. It is recommended to drop and recreate any materialized views that contain CASE expressions. If your instance enters a crash-loop, we suggest upgrading to v1.5.2, and dropping the corresponding materialized view that contains CASE expressions.
  • System catalog
    • Adds columns rw_version, total_memory_bytes, total_cpu_cores, and started_at, and all nodes in system table rw_worker_nodes. #13487.
    • Adds system table rw_internal_tables. #13272.
    • Supports sink columns in rw_columns and information_schema.columns. #13626.

Sources & sink

  • The load generator can generate timestamptz columns. #13451.
  • Adds option [properties.fetch.queue.backoff.ms](http://properties.fetch.queue.backoff.ms) for Kafka source. #13321.
  • Supports creating multiple CDC tables that share the same source, which allows for incremental and lock-free snapshot loading. #12535.
  • CREATE SINK statements no longer need to wait for backfill to complete. #13665


  • Adds a docker-compose file for standalone mode. #13233.

Cluster configuration changes

  • Adds support for system parameter pause_on_next_bootstrap. #11936


See the Full Changelog here.


SQL features

  • Query syntax:
    • Supports using subqueries in UPDATE and DELETE statements. #12995
  • SQL commands
    • Supports COMMENT ON clause for tables and columns. #12849.
    • Supports persistent background materialized views. #12167.
    • Supports exposing hidden columns and distribution keys when using SHOW COLUMNS FROM command. #12839
    • Supports exposing hidden columns when using DESCRIBE command. #12839
  • SQL functions & operators:
    • Supports substring and substr functions for bytea data type. #13088.
    • Supports functions jsonb_pretty,  jsonb_object, jsonb_strip_nulls, and jsonb_extract_path. #13050, #13036, #13169, #13143.
    • Supports jsonb @><@??|, ?&, #>,  #>>, - and #- operators. #13056, #13110, #13118.
    • Supports greatest and least functions. #12838.
    • Supports regexp_split_to_array function. #12844.
    • Supports bit_and and bit_or aggregate functions in materialized views. #12758.
    • Supports jsonb_agg and jsonb_object_agg in streaming mode. #12836.
    • Supports general rank and dense_rank window functions. #13183.
  • System catalog:
    • Adds column parallelism in system table rw_fragments. #12901
    • Adds columns is_hiddenis_primary_key, and is_distribution_key in rw_columns system table. #12839

Sources & sinks

  • Adds google.protobuf.Any support for Protobuf sources. #12291.
  • Adds schemas.enable support for Kafka sinks with upsert JSON. #12113.
  • Adds support for Kafka sinks with upsert Avro using schema registry. #13007.
  • server.id option is now optional for MySQL CDC source. #13031
  • Enables timestamptz.handling.mode option to control the timestamptz output format for certain sinks. #13109.
  • Adds the stream field and support for multiple inputs for the subject field for NATS source connector. #12799.
  • Adds new option properties.allow.auto.create.topics for Kafka sink. #12766.
  • Adds support for s3_v2 source connector, a more efficient version of the S3 source. #12595.
  • Adds support for Google BigQuery sink.#12873.
  • Adds support for Redis sink. #11999,#13003.


  • Release RisingWave all-in-one binary with connector libraries. #13133


See the Full Changelog here.


SQL features

  • SQL commands
    • Beta: Variable BACKGROUND_DDL can be set to true when creating a materialized view. #12355
    • ALTER COLUMN command can be used for tables with non-schema-registry source. #12164
  • SQL functions & operators
    • Supports array_min. #12071
    • Supports array_max. #12100
    • Supports array_sort. #12189
    • Supports array_sum. #12162
    • format function supports variable inputs. #12178
    • Regular expression functions support back reference, positive, negative lookahead, and positive, negative lookbehind. #12329
    • Supports || operator for concatenating JSONB data. #12502
    • Supports bool_and and bool_or in materialized views. #11956
  • Query syntax:
    • Supports WITH ORDINALITY clause. #12273
  • System catalog
    • Adds new system function pg_sleep. #12294
    • Adds new system function _pg_expandarray. #12448
    • Adds new storage related system tables:
      • rw_hummock_sstables #12532
      • rw_hommock_pinned_versions, rw_hommock_pinned_snapshots #12285
      • rw_hummock_branched_objects , rw_hummock_current_version , rw_hummock_checkpoint_version , rw_hummock_version_deltas #12309
      • rw_hummock_meta_configs, rw_hummock_compaction_group_configs #12337

Sources & sinks

  • Generated columns defined with non-deterministic functions cannot be part of the primary key. #12181
  • Adds new properties.enable.auto.commit parameter for the Kafka consumer, which sets the enable.auto.commit parameter for the Kafka client. #12223
  • Adds privatelink.endpoint parameter to the WITH clause, to support private link for Kafka connector on GCP and AWS. #12266
  • Adds parameters message.timeout.ms and max.in.flight.requests.per.connection for Kafka sources. #12574
  • Allows Kinesis source to start ingesting data from a specific timestamp. sequence_number is no longer supported as a startup mode option. #12241
  • Allow optional FORMAT DEBEZIUM ENCODE JSON after the connector definition of CDC tables. Allow optional FORMAT NATIVE ENCODE NATIVE after the connector definition of Nexmark sources or tables. #12306
  • Allows multiple URLs when defining schema registries. #11982
  • Adds support for sinking data to versions 7 and 8 of Elasticsearch. #10357, #10415, #1303
  • Adds support for sinking append-only data to the NATS messaging system. #11924
  • Adds support for sinking data to Doris. #12336
  • Adds support for sinking data to Apache Pulsar. #12286
  • Adds support for sinking data to Cassandra and ScyllaDB. #11878
  • Adds support for creating upsert Iceberg sinks. #12576
  • Supports specifying the sink_decouple session variable as default, true and enable, or false and disable. #12544
  • varchar column in RisingWave can sink into a uuid column in Postgres. #12704
  • New syntaxes for specifying data format and data encoding when creating a Kafka, Kinesis, and Pulsar sink. #12556

Administration & observability

  • Supports querying from information_schema.views, which contains formations about views defined in the database. #12045


See the Full Changelog here.


SQL features

  • SQL commands:

    • Breaking change: Syntax of emit-on-window-close has changed. If your application contains integration code, please update your code accordingly. #11363

      In v1.1:


      In v1.2 and onwards:

    • Privileges for tables can now be granted or revoked. #11725

    • The default DISTRIBUTED BY columns have been changed from the whole index columns into the first index column. #11865

    • Supports ALTER SOURCE ADD COLUMN. #11350

    • Supports SHOW JOBS and CANCEL JOBS , with which you can show the in-progress streaming jobs and cancel jobs by their IDs. #11854

    • Supports [I]LIKE in SHOW commands. #11791

  • SQL functions & operators

    • Supports lambda functions via array_transform. #11888, #11937
    • Supports to_date(). #11241
    • The to_char() function now supports timestamptz input. #11778
    • Supports scalemin_scale, and trim_scale. #11663
    • Supports regexp_replace. #11819
    • Supports regexp_count. #11975
    • Supports [NOT] ILIKE expressions. #11743
    • Supports [!]~~[*] operators, which are equivalent to [NOT] [I]LIKE. #11748
    • Supports IS JSON predicate. #11831
  • Query syntax:

    • Adds support for LIMIT clauses in streaming queries. #11566
    • Supports LATERAL subqueries. #11780
  • System catalog

    • A new group of system catalogs (rw_relations, rw_system_tables, rw_types, rw_user_secrets, and rw_columns) are available for you to retrieve system data and metadata. #11334
    • Adds new system function pg_relation_size(). #11687
  • Adds support for transactions for single-table CDC data. #11453

Sources & sinks

  • Adds a new parameter schema.registry.name.strategy to the Kafka connector, with which you can specify naming strategies for schema registries. #11384
  • Breaking Change: Implements a Rust-native Iceberg sink connector to improve stability and performance. The connector introduces new parameters. Applications that rely on the previous version of the feature (specifically, the version included in RisingWave v1.0 and v1.1) may no longer function correctly. To restore functionality to your applications, please carefully review the syntax and parameters outlined on this page and make any necessary revisions to your code. #11326
  • Adds support for sinking data to ClickHouse. #11240
  • Beta: An enhancement has been made to the mysql-cdc connector to improve data ingestion performance. It achieves so by optimizing the data backfilling logic for CDC tables. This feature is not enabled by default. To enable it, run this command: SET cdc_backfill="true"; #11707
  • Adds a parameter client.id for Kafka sources. #11911


  • Supports HDFS as the storage backend for deployments via Docker Compose. #11632

Administration & observability

  • Adds a new system parameter max_concurrent_creating_streaming_jobs, with which users can specify the maximum number of streaming jobs that can be created concurrently. #11601
  • Improves the calculation logic of the Mem Table Size (Max) metric in the RisingWave Dashboard. #11442
  • Adds new metrics to RisingWave Dashboard:
    • Materialized View Memory Usage #10958
    • Materialized View Read Size, Materialized View Write Size #11054
    • Active Sessions #11688


See the Full Changelog here.


SQL features

  • SQL commands:

    • DROP commands now support the CASCADE option, which drops the specified item and all its dependencies. #11250

    • CREATE TABLE now supports the APPEND ONLY clause, allowing the definition of watermark columns on the table. #11233

    • Supports new commands START TRANSACTION, BEGIN, and COMMIT for read-only transactions. #10735

    • Supports SHOW CLUSTER to show the details of your RisingWave cluster, including the address of the cluster, its state, the parallel units it is using, and whether it’s streaming data, serving data, or unschedulable. #10656, #10932

  • SQL functions:

    • Supports new window functions: lead() and lag(). #10915

    • Supports new aggregate functions: first_value() and last_value(), which retrieve the first and last values within a specific ordering from a set of rows. #10740

    • Supports the grouping() function to determine if a column or expression in the GROUP BY clause is part of the current grouping set or not. #11006

    • Supports the set_config() system administration function. #11147

    • Supports the sign() mathematical function. #10819

    • Supports string_agg() with DISTINCT and ORDER BY, enabling advanced string concatenation with distinct values and custom sorting. #10864

    • Supports the co-existence of string_agg() and other aggregations with DISTINCT. #10864

    • Supports the zone_string parameter in the date_trunc(), extract(), and date_part() functions, ensuring compatibility with PostgreSQL. #10480

      • Breaking change: Previously, when the input for date_trunc was actually a date, the function would cast it to a timestamp and record the choice in the query plan. However, after this release, new query plans will cast the input to timestamptz instead. As a result, some old SQL queries, especially those saved as views, may fail to bind correctly and require type adjustments. It’s important to note that old query plans will continue working because the casting choice is recorded with a cast to timestamp.

        Before this release:

            SELECT date_trunc('month', date '2023-03-04');
            2023-03-01 00:00:00
            (1 row)

        After this release:

        SELECT date_trunc('month', date '2023-03-04');
        2023-03-01 00:00:00+00:00
        (1 row)

        Now, the result of date_trunc includes the timezone offset (+00:00) in the output, making it consistent with the behavior in PostgreSQL.

    • round() now accepts a negative value and rounds it to the left of the decimal point. #10961

    • to_timestamp() now returns timestamptz. #11018

  • Query clauses

    • SELECT now supports the EXCEPT clause which excludes specific columns from the result set. #10438, #10723

    • SELECT now supports the GROUPING SETS clause which allows users to perform aggregations on multiple levels of grouping within a single query. #10807

    • Supports index selection for temporal joins. #11019

    • Supports CUBE in group-by clauses to generate multiple grouping sets. #11262

  • Patterns

    • Supports multiple rank function calls in TopN by group. #11149
  • System catalog

    • Supports querying created_at and initialized_at from RisingWave relations such as sources, sinks, and tables in RisingWave catalogs. #11199


  • Supports specifying more Kafka parameters when creating a source or sink. #11203

  • JDBC sinks used for upserts must specify the downstream primary key via the primary_key option. #11042

  • access_key and its corresponding secret_key are now mandatory for all AWS authentication components. #11120



SQL features

  • SQL command:

    • Supports the GROUPING SETS clause. #10807
  • SQL function:

    • Adds the current_setting() function to get the current value of a configuration parameter. #10051

    • Adds new array functions: array_position(), array_replace(), array_ndims(), array_lower(), array_upper(), array_length(), and array_dims(). #10166, #10197

    • Adds new aggregate functions: percentile_cont(), percentile_disc(), and mode(). #10252

    • Adds new system functions: user(), current_user(), and current_role(). #10366

    • Adds new string functions: left() and right(). #10765

    • Adds new bytea functions: octet_length() and bit_length(). #10462

    • array_length() and cardinality() return integer instead of bigint. #10267

    • Supports the row_number window function that doesn’t match the TopN pattern. #10869

  • User-defined function:

    • Adds support for defining UDFs in Java. #10095

    • Adds support for more Java UDF and Python UDF data types. #10399

    • The language parameter is no longer required in CREATE FUNCTION. #10608

  • System catalog:

    • Adds more columns to information_schema.columns: column_default, character_maximum_length, and udt_name. #10269

    • Adds a new system catalog pg_proc. #10216

    • Adds new RisingWave catalogs:

      • rw_table_fragments, rw_fragments, rw_actors #10712
      • rw_worker_nodes, rw_parallel_units #10656
      • rw_connections, rw_databases, rw_functions, rw_indexes, rw_materialized_views, rw_schemas, rw_sinks, rw_sources, rw_tables, rw_users, rw_views #10593
  • Supports GROUP BY output alias or index. #10305

  • Supports using scalar functions in the FROM clause. #10317

  • Supports tagging the created VPC endpoints when creating a PrivateLink connection. #10582


  • Breaking change: When creating a source or table with a connector whose schema is auto-resolved from an external format file, the syntax for defining primary keys within column definitions is replaced with the table constraint syntax. #10195

        CREATE TABLE debezium_non_compact (order_id int PRIMARY KEY) WITH (
        connector = 'kafka',
        kafka.topic = 'debezium_non_compact_avro_json',
        kafka.brokers = 'message_queue:29092',
        kafka.scan.startup.mode = 'earliest'
    CREATE TABLE debezium_non_compact (PRIMARY KEY(order_id)) WITH ( ...
  • Breaking change: Modifies the syntax for specifying data and encoding formats for a source in CREATE SOURCE and CREATE TABLE commands. For v1.0.0, the old syntax is still accepted but will be deprecated in the next release. #10768

    Old syntax - part 1:

    ROW FORMAT data_format
    [ MESSAGE 'message' ]
    [ ROW SCHEMA LOCATION ['location' | CONFLUENT SCHEMA REGISTRY 'schema_registry_url' ] ];

    New syntax - part 1:

    FORMAT data_format ENCODE data_encode (
    message = 'message',
    schema.location = 'location' | schema.registry = 'schema_registry_url'

    Old syntax - part 2:


    New syntax - part 2:

    without_header = 'true',
    delimiter = ','
  • Supports sinking data to Delta Lake. #10374, #10580

  • Supports sinking data to AWS Kinesis. #10437

  • Supports BYTES as a row format. #10592

  • Supports specifying schema for the PostgreSQL sink. #10576

  • Supports using the user-provided publication to create a PostgreSQL CDC table. #10804




  • Now, you can easily install RisingWave on your local machine with Homebrew by running brew install risingwave. See Run RisingWave.


  • Adds the pg_indexes and dattablespace system catalogs. #9844, #9822
  • Now, the SHOW PARAMETERS command will display the mutability of each system parameter. #9526

SQL features

  • Experimental features: Adds support for 256-bit integers. #9146, #9184, #9186, #9191, #9217
  • Indexes can be created on expressions. #9142
  • Adds support for expressions in aggregate function arguments. #9955
  • Adds support for VALUES clause. #8751
  • Adds support for generated columns, which are special columns computed from other columns in a table or source. #8700, #9580
  • Adds support for using expressions in the ORDER BY and PARTITION BY clauses. #9827
  • New SQL commands
    • CREATE CONNECTION and SHOW CONNECTIONS: Creates an AWS PrivateLink connection and show all available connections. #8907
    • DROP CONNECTION: Drops a connection. #9128
    • SHOW FUNCTIONS: Shows existing user-defined functions. #9398
    • DROP FUNCTIONS: Drops a user-defined function. #9561
    • SHOW CREATE SOURCE and SHOW CREATE SINK: Shows the SQL statement used to create a source or sink. #9083
    • SHOW INDEXES: Shows all indexes on a particular table. #9835
  • SQL functions
    • Adds support for trigonometric functions. #8838, #8918, #9064, #9203, #9259
    • Adds support for degrees and radians functions. #9108
    • Adds support for the lag() and lead() window functions and the OVER() and  EMIT ON WINDOW CLOSE clause. #9597, #9622, #9701
    • Adds support for new aggregate functions, including bool_and, bool_or, jsonb_agg, and jsonb_object_agg. #9452
    • Adds support for max(), min(), and count() for timestamptz data. #9165
    • Adds support for microseconds and milliseconds for to_char() and to_timestamp(). #9257
    • Adds support for multibyte Unicode in overlay() and ascii() functions. #9321
    • Adds support for the string_to_array() function. #9289
    • Adds support for array_positions(). #9152
    • Adds support for cardinality(). #8867
    • Adds support for array_remove(). #9116
    • Adds support for trim_array(). #9265
    • Adds support for array range access. #9362
    • Adds support for JSONB in UDF. #9103
    • Adds support for btrim() and updates trim() to PostgreSQL standard syntax. #8985
    • Adds support for date_part(). #8830
    • Expands extract() with more fields. #8830
    • Adds support for proctime(), which returns the system time with time zone when a record is processed. #9088
    • Adds support for translate(), @(), and ceiling(). #8998
    • Adds support for encode() and decode(). #9351
    • Adds support for the intersect operator. #9573
    • Adds support for the default escape \ in a like expression. #9624
    • Adds support for the IS [NOT] UNKNOWN comparison predicate. #9965
    • Adds support for the starts_with() string function and ^@. #9967
    • Adds support for unary trunc, ln, log10 (log), exp, cbrt (||/) mathematical functions. #9991


  • Adds support for ingesting CDC data from TiDB and sinking data to TiDB with the JDBC connector. #8708
  • Adds support for ingesting CDC data from Citus. #8988
  • Adds support for loading Pulsar secret key file from AWS S3. #8428, #8222
  • Adds support for using an established AWS PrivateLink connection in a CREATE SOURCE, CREATE TABLE, or CREATE SINK statement for a Kafka source/sink. #9119, #9128, #9728, #9263
  • Deprecates the use_transaction field in the Kafka sink connector. #9207
  • Adds support for zstd compression type for Kafka connector. #9297
  • Deprecates the upsert property in the Kafka connector as it can be inferred from the row format. #9457
  • Adds a new field properties.sync.call.timeout in the WITH clause of the Kafka source connector to control the timeout. #9005
  • Adds support for a new row format DEBEZIUM_MONGO_JSON in the Kafka source connector. #9250
  • Adds CSV format support for the Kafka source connector. #9875

Cluster configuration changes

  • --data_directoryand --state_storemust be specified on CLI of the meta node, or the cluster will fail to start. #9170
  • Clusters will refuse to start if the specified object store URL identified by state_store and data_directory is occupied by another instance. Do not share the object store URL between multiple clusters. #9642



Starting from this version, we’ll respect semantic versioning conventions by using the middle number (y , instead of z, in x.y.z) to indicate minor versions. That is why this is v0.18.0, not v0.1.18.

Administration and troubleshooting

  • Improves error messages by including the location of the statement in question. #8646
  • Initial values of immutable system parameters can be specified via the meta-node command line. The initial values provided in the configuration file will be ignored. #8366

SQL features

  • Adds initial support for user-defined functions. #8597 #8644 #8255 #7943
  • Adds support for JSONB data type. #8256 #8181
  • Adds support for NULLS { FIRST | LAST } in ORDER BY clauses. #8485
  • New commands:
    • SET TIME ZONE #8572
    • ALTER TABLE ADD/DROP COLUMN for regular tables (without connector settings). #8394
  • New functions:
    • array_length : Returns the length of an array. #8636
    • String functions implemented with the help of ChatGPT. #8767 #8839
      • chr(integer) -> varchar
      • starts_with(varchar, varchar) -> boolean
      • initcap(varchar) -> varchar
      • lpad(varchar, integer) -> varchar
      • lpad(varchar, integer, varchar) -> varchar
      • rpad(varchar, integer) -> varchar
      • rpad(varchar, integer, varchar) -> varchar
      • reverse(varchar) -> varchar
      • strpos(varchar, varchar) -> integer
      • to_ascii(varchar) -> varchar
      • to_hex(integer) -> varchar
      • to_hex(bigint) -> varchar)
    • Improves the data type values of columns returned by DESCRIBE . #8819
    • UPDATE commands cannot update primary key columns. #8569
    • Adds support for microsecond precision for intervals. #8501
    • Adds an optional parameter offset to tumble() and hop() functions. #8490
    • Data records that has null time values will be ignored by time window functions. #8146
    • Improves the behaviors of the exp operator when the operand is too large or small. #8309
    • Supports process time temporal join, which enables the joining of an append-only stream (such as Kafka) with a temporal table (e.g. a materialized view backed by MySQL CDC). This feature ensures that any updates made to the temporal table will not affect previous results obtained from the temporal join. Supports FOR SYSTEM_TIME AS OF NOW() syntax to express process time temporal join. #8480


  • Adds a new field basetime to the load generator connector for generating timestamp data. The load generator will take this field as now and generates data accordingly. #8619
  • Empty cells in CSV are now parsed as null. #8709
  • Adds the Iceberg connector. #8508
  • Adds support for the upsert type to the Kafka sink connector. #8168
  • Removes the message name parameter for Avro data. #8124
  • Adds support for AWS PrivateLink for Kafka source connector. #8247

See the Full Changelog here.




  • Adds a system catalog view rw_catalog.rw_ddl_progress, with which users can view the progress of a CREATE INDEX, CREATE SINK, or CREATE MATERIALIZED VIEW statement. #7914
  • Adds the pg_conversion and pg_enum system catalogs. #7964, #7706

SQL features

  • Adds the exp() function. #7971
  • Adds the pow() function. #7789
  • Adds support for displaying primary keys in EXPLAIN statements. #7590
  • Adds support for descending order in CREATE INDEX statements. #7822
  • Adds SHOW PARAMETERS and ALTER SYSTEM commands to display and update system parameters. #7882, #7913


  • Adds a new parameter match_pattern to the S3 connector. With the new parameter, users can specify the pattern to filter files that they want to ingest from S3 buckets. For documentation updates, see Ingest data from S3 buckets. #7565
  • Adds the PostgreSQL CDC connector. Users can use this connector to ingest data and CDC events from PostgreSQL directly. For documentation updates, see Ingest data from PostgreSQL CDC. #6869, #7133
  • Adds the MySQL CDC connector. Users can use this connector to ingest data and CDC events from MySQL directly. For documentation updates, see Ingest data from MySQL CDC. #6689, #6345, #6481, #7133
  • Adds the JDBC sink connector, with which users can sink data to MySQL, PostgreSQL, or other databases that are compliant with JDBC. #6493
  • Add new parameters to the Kafka sink connector.
    • force_append_only : Specifies whether to force a sink to be append-only. #7922
    • use_transaction : Specifies whether to enable Kafka transactions or not. #7500
    • SSL/SASL parameters: Specifies SSL encryption and SASL authentication settings. #7540




  • Adds support for aborting a query in local mode with Ctrl + C. #7444

SQL features

  • Adds support for the to_timestamp function. #7060
  • Adds support for the RETURNING clause in DML statements. #7094
  • Breaking change: Deprecates CREATE MATERIALIZED SOURCE . To create a materialized source, create a table and include the newly added connector settings. #7281, #7110
  • Adds support for the c and i flags in regex_match() and regex_matches() functions. #7135
  • Adds support for SHOW CREATE TABLE . You can use this statement to show the definition of a table. #7152
  • Adds support for the pg_stat_activity system catalog and several system functions. #7274
  • Adds the _rw_kafka_timestamp parameter to show the timestamps of Kafka messages. Users can now specify the scope of Kafka messages by timestamps. #7275, #7150
  • Adds support for displaying PostgreSQL and RisingWave versions in version(). #7314
  • Adds support for displaying internal tables using the SHOW INTERNAL TABLES statement. #7348
  • Adds support for SET VISIBILITY_MODE You can use this session variable to configure whether only checkpoint data is readable for batch query. #5850
  • Adds support for SET STREAMING_PARALLELISM . You can use this session variable to configure parallelism for streaming queries. #7370


  • Adds support for generating array and struct data using the datagen connector. #7099
  • Adds the S3 source connector, with which users can ingest data in CSV format from S3 locations. For data ingestion from files, CSV is the only supported format and the files must be placed on S3. #6846



Installation and deployment

  • Parallelism and available memory of compute nodes are now command-line arguments and removed from the configuration file. #6767
  • The default barrier interval is set to 1 second. #6553
  • Adds support for meta store backup and recovery. #6737

SQL features

  • Adds support for SHOW CREATE MATERIALIZED VIEW and SHOW CREATE VIEW to show how materialized and non-materialized views are defined. #6921
  • Adds support for CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS. #6643
  • A sink can be created from a SELECT query. #6648
  • Adds support for struct casting and comparison. #6552
  • Adds pg_catalog views and system functions. #6982
  • Adds support for CREATE TABLE AS. #6798
  • Ads the initial support for batch query on Kafka source. #6474
  • Adds support for SET QUERY_EPOCH to query historical data based on meta backup. #6840


  • Improves the handling of schema errors for Avro and Protobuf data. #6821
  • Adds two options to the datagen connector to make it possible to generate increasing timestamp values. #6591


  • Adds metrics for the backup manager in Grafana. #6898
  • RisingWave Dashboard can now fetch data from Prometheus and visualize it in charts. #6602



SQL features

  • PRIMARY KEY constraint checks can be performed on materialized sources and tables but not on non-materialized sources. For tables or materialized sources that enabled PRIMARY KEY constraints, if you insert data to an existing key, the new data will overwrite the old data. #6320 #6435
  • Adds support for timestamp with time zone data type. You can use this data type in time window functions, and convert between it and timestamp (without time zone). #5855 #5910 #5968
  • Adds support for UNION and UNION ALL operators. #6363 #6397
  • Implements the rank() function to support a different mode of Top-N queries. #6383
  • Adds support for logical views (CREATE VIEW). #6023
  • Adds the data_trunc() function. #6365
  • Adds the system catalog schema. #6227
  • Displays error messages when users enter conflicting or redundant command options. #5933


  • Adds support for the Maxwell Change Data Capture (CDC) format. #6057
  • Protobuf schema files can be loaded from Web locations in s3://, http://, or https:// formats. #6114 #5964
  • Adds support for Confluent Schema Registry for Kafka data in Avro and Protobuf formats. #6289
  • Adds two options to the Kinesis connector. Users can specify the startup mode and optionally the sequence number to start with. #6317



SQL features

  • SQL commands:

    • Improves the formatting of response messages of EXPLAIN statements. #5541
  • SQL functions:

    • to_char() now supports specifying output format in lowercase. #5032

      to_char(timestamp '2006-01-02 15:04:05', 'yyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss')2006-01-02 15:04:05

    • generate_series now supports negative steps. #5231

      SELECT * FROM generate_series(5,1,-2);
          (3 rows)
    • Adds support for sum/min/max functions over interval-type data. #5105, #5549

    • Adds support for array concatenation. #5060, #5345

    • Adds support for specifying empty arrays. #5402

    • Casting from array to varchar is now supported. #5081


    • Casting from varchar to integer allows leading and trailing spaces. #5452

      ' 1 '::int1

  • Adds new system catalog and psql meta-commands. #5127, #5742

    • \d: Lists all relations in the current database. (Materialized) sources are not supported yet.
    • \dt: Lists all tables in the current database.
    • \dm: Lists all materialized views in the current database.
    • \di: Lists all indexes in the current database.
    • pg_catalog.pg_index: Contains information about indexes.


  • Nested columns are now supported for the datagen connector. #5550



SQL features

  • SQL commands:
    • EXPLAIN now supports specifying options. Supported options: trace, verbose, and type. Unlike PostgreSQL, each option should be separated by a comma and wrapped by parentheses as a whole. #4730
    • Adds support for ALTER USER. #4261
    • CREATE/ALTER USER now has new options CREATEUSER and NOCREATEUSER, which specify whether or not the user has the privilege to create, alter, or drop other users. #4447
    • Adds support for EXPLAIN CREATE SINK. #4430
  • SQL functions:
    • Adds support for new system information functions: current_schema, current_schema(), and session_user. #4358
  • The pg_namespace catalog now has a new namespace column nspacl for storing access privileges. #4326


  • Some connector parameters were renamed. The old parameter names are still functional but may be deprecated in the future. #4503

    • Kafka & Redpanda

      • kafka.brokers -> properties.bootstrap.server
      • kafka.topic -> topic
      • kafka.scan.startup.mode -> scan.startup.mode
      • kafka.time.offset -> scan.startup.timestamp_millis
      • kafka.consumer.group -> consumer.group.id
    • Kinesis

      • kinesis.stream.name -> stream
      • kinesis.stream.region -> aws.region
      • kinesis.endpoint -> endpoint
      • kinesis.credentials.access -> aws.credentials.access_key_id
      • kinesis.credentials.secret -> aws.credentials.secret_access_key
      • kinesis.credentials.session_token -> aws.credentials.session_token
      • kinesis.assumerole.arn -> aws.credentials.role.arn
      • kinesis.assumerole.external_id -> aws.credentials.role.external_id
    • Pulsar

      • pulsar.topic -> topic
      • pulsar.admin.url -> admin.url
      • pulsar.service.url -> service.url
      • pulsar.scan.startup.mode -> scan.startup.mode
      • pulsar.time.offset -> scan.startup.timestamp_millis
  • The row format name, debezium json, for CDC stream sources, has been renamed to debezium_json. #4494

Configuration changes

  • The default batch query execution mode was changed from distributed to local. #4789


  • Run this version from Docker: docker run -it --pull=always -p 4566:4566 -p 5691:5691 ghcr.io/risingwavelabs/risingwave:v0.1.12 playground
  • Prebuilt library for Linux is not available in this release.
  • Source code (zip)
  • Source code (tar.gz)

SQL features

  • New SQL functions:
    • overlay(): Replaces a substring. #3671
    • generate_series(): Generates a series of values from the starting point to the ending point. #4030
    • regexp_match(), regexp_matches(): Compares a string against a regular expression pattern and returns matched substrings. #3702 #4062
    • string_agg (): Concatenates the values into a string. #3952 #4183
    • current_database(): Returns the current database. #3650
  • New SQL commands:
    • SHOW ALL: Lists all configuration parameters. Use SHOW parameter to show the value of a configuration parameter. #3694 #3664
    • CREATE SINK: Sinks data to Kafka. #3923 #3682 #3674
    • EXPLAIN TRACE: Traces each optimization stage of the optimizer. #3945
  • Support for lookup joins. Currently, lookup joins can only be performed in local query mode. To use lookup joins, users need to set the configuration parameter rw_batch_enable_lookup_join to true. #3859 #3763
  • An ORDER BY clause in the CREATE MATERIALIZED VIEW statement is allowed but not considered as part of the definition of the materialized view. It is only used in the initial creation of the materialized view. It is not used during refreshes. This is a behavior change due to the introduction of parallel table scans. #3670
  • Support for filter clauses on aggregate functions. #4114


  • RisingWave can now sink data to Kafka topics in append-only mode and Debezium mode. #3923 #3682 #3674
  • Syntax change for CREATE SOURCE: A parameter name is no longer wrapped by single quotation marks. #3997. See the example:
    • Old: CREATE SOURCE s1 WITH ( 'connector' = 'kafka', 'kafka.topic' = 'kafka_1_partition_topic', 'kafka.brokers' = '' ) ROW FORMAT json;
    • New: CREATE SOURCE s WITH ( connector = 'kafka', kafka.topic = 'kafka_1_partition_topic', kafka.brokers = '' ) ROW FORMAT json;



SQL features

SQL operators and functions

  • Support string concatenation operator ||. #3147
  • Support interval comparison. #3222
  • Support dividing intervals by integers, floats, or decimals. #3441
  • Intervals multiplying intervals by floats. #3641
  • Support more temporal operations. #3472
  • Support Common Table Expressions (CTEs) as input of time window functions. #3188
  • Add these new functions:
    • concat() for concatenating strings #3091
    • repeat() for repeating string #3148
    • octet_length() and bit_length() for getting string length #3526
    • Row() for constructing rows #2914 #3152
    • pg_typeof() for getting data types of values #3494
    • current_database() for getting the name of the current database in the session #3650
    • approx_count_distinct() for distinct counting #3121
    • unnest() for expanding nested tables to rows #3017
  • Support count(), min(), and max() functions on these data types: interval, timestamp, varchar, and date. #3069

SQL commands

  • Support EXPLAIN CREATE INDEX. #3229
  • Add cascade and restrict options in REVOKE commands. #3363
  • Expand the CREATE TABLE syntax to support creating append-only tables. #3058
  • Support the CREATE USER command and user authentication. #3074

Data types

  • Support implicit casts from single-quoted literals. #3487
  • Add string as an alias for data type varchar. #3094
  • Support string intervals. #3037

Database management

  • Add the default super user “postgres”. #3127
  • The default schema name is changed to “public” from “dev”. #3166


  • Add random seed for the Datagen Source Connector. #3124
