The data from a subscription includes both the existing data in the table at the time of subscription creation and the incremental change records in the table after the subscription is created. You can use the method of creating a subscription cursor to retrieve the full data set or the incremental data set after a specified starting point.

This feature allows you to monitor all data changes without relying on external event stores like Kafka. Compared to the Kafka sink or other event store sinks, a subscription requires fewer components and thus, less maintenance.

Manage subscription

Use the syntax below to create, drop or alter subscription.

Create subscription

To create a subscription, use the syntax below:

CREATE SUBSCRIPTION <subscription_name> FROM <table_or_mv_name> WITH (
retention = '<duration>'

The FROM clause must specify either a table or a materialized view (mv).

The retention parameter should be provided as a string in the format of an interval. It represents the duration for which incremental data will be retained. Any incremental data that exceeds the specified retention duration will be automatically deleted and will no longer be accessible.

Drop subscription

To drop a subscription, use the syntax below:

DROP SUBSCRIPTION <subscription_name>;

Alter subscription

To rename a subscription, change the owner, or set a new schema, use the syntax below:

ALTER SUBSCRIPTION <subscription_name>
    [ RENAME TO <new_subscription_name> ]
    [ OWNER TO <new_owner> ]
    [ SET SCHEMA <new_schema_name> ]

Subscription cursor

A subscription cursor is a unit used to consume data from a subscription. In RisingWave, it’s a tool specifically designed to work in conjunction with a subscription, differing from the general cursor.

In RisingWave, the subscription cursor allows you to specify a specific starting point within the subscription data. After creating the subscription cursor, you can use a loop to fetch and consume data starting from that point onwards. Results returned by the cursor are sorted by primary key. A subscription can have multiple subscription cursors, each consuming different ranges or intervals of data from the subscription.


The syntax of creating a subscription cursor is as follows:

DECLARE cursor_name SUBSCRIPTION CURSOR FOR subscription_name [since_clause | FULL];

The since_clause is used to specify the starting point for reading data. By setting this clause, you can control the range of data that is returned, allowing you to retrieve only the incremental data or data starting from a specific time or event.

Below are the available choices for since_clause. If you don’t specify the since_clause, the returned data will just include the incremental data after declaration, which equals to the first choice below.

  1. since now()/proctime() : The returned data will include only the incremental data starting from the time of declaration.
  2. since begin() : The returned data will include the oldest incremental data available, typically starting from the beginning of the subscription’s retention period.
  3. since unix_ms : Starts reading from the first time point greater than or equal to the specified unix_ms value. It’s important to note that the unix_ms value should fall within the range of now() - subscription's retention and now.

If you specify FULL instead of the since_clause, the subscription cursor starts consuming data from stock.

Fetch from cursor

FETCH from cursor function is supported in the PSQL simple query mode and extended mode.

Non-blocking data fetch

FETCH NEXT/n FROM cursor_name;

Fetch the next row or up to N rows from the cursor. If fewer than N rows are available, it will return whatever is available immediately without waiting. This also means that if there are no rows available (i.e., the latest data has been reached), an empty result will be returned immediately.


t1.v1 | t1.v2 | t1.v3 |    t1.op     |  rw_timestamp  
    1 |     1 |     1 | UpdateDelete | 1715669376304
(1 row)

In the example above, the op column in the result indicates the type of change operations. There are four options: Insert, UpdateInsert, Delete, and UpdateDelete. For a single UPDATE statement, the subscription log will contain two separate rows: one with UpdateInsert and another with UpdateDelete. This is because RisingWave treats an UPDATE as a delete of the old value followed by an insert of the new value. As for rw_timestamp, it corresponds to the Unix timestamp in milliseconds when the data was written.

Blocking data fetch

FETCH NEXT/n FROM cursor_name WITH (timeout = '1s');

Fetch up to N rows from the cursor with a specified timeout. The timeout value should be a string in the interval format. In this case, the fetch statement will return when either N rows have been fetched or the timeout occurs. If the timeout occurs, whatever has been read up to that point will be returned. Here are two scenarios to trigger the timeout:

  1. The cursor has reached the latest data and has been waiting too long for new data to arrive.

  2. At least N rows are available for the cursor to read, but retrieving all of them takes an extended period.

To avoid polling for new data frequently with the non-blocking FETCH, you can set a longer timeout to simulate a scenario where you want the FETCH to block until new data arrives.

Order of the fetched data

  • For data with different rw_timestamp, values are returned in the order the events occurred.
  • For data with the same rw_timestamp, the order matches the event sequence if the data belongs to the same primary key in the subscribed materialized view or table.
  • For data with the same rw_timestamp but different primary keys, the order may not reflect the exact event sequence.

Show subscription cursors

To show all subscription cursors in the current session, use the syntax below:


 Name | SubscriptionName
 cur2 | sub
 cur  | sub
(2 rows)


Let’s create a table t1 and subscribe this table, then create a cursor for this subscription.

-- Create a table and insert some data.
create table t1(v1 int, v2 int, v3 int);
insert into t1 values(1,1,1);

-- Create a subscription.
create subscription sub from t1 with (retention = '1D');

-- Create a subscription cursor.
declare cur subscription cursor for sub full;

After creation, we can use the FETCH NEXT FROM cursor_name statement to fetch data from this cursor:

fetch next from cur;

 v1 | v2 | v3 |   op   | rw_timestamp
  1 |  1 |  1 | Insert |
(1 row)

Then we can update table t1 and fetch again to view the changes:

update t1 set v3 = 10 where v1 = 1;
fetch next from cur;

 t1.v1 | t1.v2 | t1.v3 |     t1.op     |  rw_timestamp
     1 |     1 |     1 | UpdateDelete  | 1715669376304
(1 row)

fetch next from cur;
 t1.v1 | t1.v2 | t1.v3 |     t1.op     |  rw_timestamp
     1 |     1 |    10 | UpdateInsert  | 1715669376304
(1 row)

We can also create another subscription cursor to specify since_clause . Let’s use since unix_ms to rebuild the cursor:

declare cur2 subscription cursor for sub since 1715669376304;
fetch next from cur2;

 t1.v1 | t1.v2 | t1.v3 |     t1.op     |  rw_timestamp
     1 |     1 |     1 | UpdateDelete  | 1715669376304
(1 row)

fetch next from cur2;
 t1.v1 | t1.v2 | t1.v3 |     t1.op     |  rw_timestamp
     1 |     1 |    10 | UpdateInsert  | 1715669376304
(1 row)

Subscribing via Postgres driver

For this feature, you only need to use the Postgres driver, and no extra dependencies are required.

Here’s an example using Python and psycopg2.

import psycopg2
import time

def main():
    # Connect to the PostgreSQL database
    conn = psycopg2.connect(

        # Create a cursor object
        cur = conn.cursor()

        # Declare a cursor for the subscription
        cur.execute("DECLARE cur SUBSCRIPTION CURSOR FOR sub_users;")

        while True:
            # Fetch the next row from the cursor
            cur.execute("FETCH NEXT FROM cur;")
            row = cur.fetchone()

            if row is None:
                # Sleep for 1 second if no row is fetched

						# Replace with your event handling logic
            print("Row fetched:", row)

        # Close the cursor and connection

if __name__ == "__main__":

Example output:

Row fetched: (1, 'Alice', 30, 1, 1716434906890)
Row fetched: (2, 'Bob', 25, 1, 1716434909889)
Row fetched: (3, 'Charlie', 35, 1, 1716434912889)
Row fetched: (4, 'Diana', 28, 1, 1716434920889)

Exactly-once delivery

The persistent nature of subscriptions allows the subscriber to resume from a specific point in time (rw_timestamp) without data loss after a failure recovery. We also guarantee no duplicates in subscriptions, thus ensuring exactly-once delivery.

Persisting the consumption progress

To achieve exactly-once delivery, it’s required to periodically persist the timestamp in storage. We recommend using RisingWave as the store, as no extra component is needed.

First, we need to create a table for storing the progress.

CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS subscription_progress (
    progress BIGINT

Here’s an example python code for retrieving and updating the consumption progress:

def get_last_progress(conn, sub_name):
    with conn.cursor() as cur:
        cur.execute("SELECT progress FROM subscription_progress WHERE sub_name = %s", (sub_name,))
        result = cur.fetchone()
        return result[0] if result else None

def update_progress(conn, sub_name, progress):
    with conn.cursor() as cur:
        cur.execute("INSERT INTO subscription_progress (sub_name, progress)", (sub_name, progress, progress))

The client needs to retrieve the last progress during bootstrapping and periodically store the progress.

# Fetch the last progress from subscription_progress table
last_progress = get_last_progress(conn, sub_name)

with conn.cursor() as cur:
    if last_progress is not None:
            "DECLARE cur SUBSCRIPTION CURSOR FOR {} SINCE {}".format(sub_name, last_progress))
            "DECLARE cur SUBSCRIPTION CURSOR FOR {};".format(sub_name))

    while True:
        cur.execute("FETCH NEXT FROM cur")
        row = cur.fetchone()
        last_progress = row[0]  # 'rw_timestamp' is the progress indicator


        if trigger_update():
            update_progress(conn, sub_name, last_progress)

Use case

Potential use cases for subscriptions are as follows. If you have explored more use cases, feel free to share them with us in our Slack channel.

  • Real-time alerting/notification: Subscribers can employ sophisticated alerting rules to detect abnormal events and notify downstream applications.
  • Event-driven architectures: Develop event-driven systems that react to changes based on specific business logic, such as synchronizing data to microservices.