
Sports betting involves wagering money on the outcome of sports events. Bettors place bets on various aspects of the game, such as the winning team or the point spread. Bookmakers determine and provide details on the odds and payouts, which are continuously updated based on real-time game dynamics and market behavior.

By continuously monitoring and analyzing real-time market and betting positions data, bookmakers and bettors can make more informed decisions. Bettors can instantly calculate their profits and refine their betting strategies based on their current risk level. Bookmakers can adjust odds based on the market, maintaining profitability.

In this tutorial, you will learn how to analyze real-time betting and market data to dynamically evaluate the risk, profit, and loss of betting positions.


  • Ensure that the PostgreSQL interactive terminal, psql, is installed in your environment. For detailed instructions, see Download PostgreSQL.
  • Install and run RisingWave. For detailed instructions on how to quickly get started, see the Quick start guide.
  • Ensure that a Python environment is set up and install the psycopg2 library.

Step 1: Set up the data source tables

Once RisingWave is installed and deployed, run the two SQL queries below to set up the tables. You will insert data into these tables to simulate live data streams.

  1. The table positions tracks key details about each betting position within different sports league. It contains information such as the stake amount, expected return, fair value, and market odds, allowing us to assess the risk and performance of each position.

    CREATE TABLE positions (
        position_id INT,
        league VARCHAR,
        position_name VARCHAR,
        timestamp TIMESTAMPTZ,
        stake_amount FLOAT,
        expected_return FLOAT,
        max_risk FLOAT,
        fair_value FLOAT,
        current_odds FLOAT,
        profit_loss FLOAT,
        exposure FLOAT
  2. The table market_data describes the market activity related to specific positions. You can track pricing and volume trends across different bookmakers, observing pricing changes over time.

    CREATE TABLE market_data (
        position_id INT,
        bookmaker VARCHAR,
        market_price FLOAT,
        volume INT,
        timestamp TIMESTAMPTZ

Step 2: Run the data generator

To keep this demo simple, a Python script is used to generate and insert data into the tables created above.

Clone the awesome-stream-processing repository.

git clone https://github.com/risingwavelabs/awesome-stream-processing.git

Navigate to the position_risk_management folder.

cd awesome-stream-processing/02-simple-demos/sports_betting/position_risk_management

Run the data_generator.py file. This Python script utilizes the psycopg2 library to establish a connection with RisingWave so you can generate and insert synthetic data into the tables positions and market_data.

If you are not running RisingWave locally or using default credentials, update the connection parameters accordingly:

default_params = {
    "dbname": "dev",
    "user": "root",
    "password": "",
    "host": "localhost",
    "port": "4566"

Step 3: Create materialized views

In this demo, you will create three materialized views to gain insight on individual positions and the market risk.

Materialized views contain the results of a view expression and are stored in the RisingWave database. The results of a materialized view are computed incrementally and updated whenever new events arrive and do not require to be refreshed. When you query from a materialized view, it will return the most up-to-date computation results.

Track individual positions

The position_overview materialized view provides key information on each position, such as the stake, max risk, market price, profit loss, and risk level. It joins the positions table with the most recent market_price from the market_data table. This is done using ROW_NUMBER(), which assigns a rank to each record based on position_id, ordered by the timestamp in descending order.

profit_loss is calculated as the difference between market_price and fair_value while risk_level is based on profit_loss relative to max_risk.

    (m.market_price - p.fair_value) * p.stake_amount AS profit_loss,
        WHEN (m.market_price - p.fair_value) * p.stake_amount > p.max_risk THEN 'High'
        WHEN (m.market_price - p.fair_value) * p.stake_amount BETWEEN p.max_risk * 0.5 AND p.max_risk THEN 'Medium'
        ELSE 'Low'
    END AS risk_level,
    m.timestamp AS last_update
    positions AS p
    (SELECT position_id, market_price, timestamp,
            ROW_NUMBER() OVER (PARTITION BY position_id ORDER BY timestamp DESC) AS row_num
     FROM market_data) AS m
ON p.position_id = m.position_id
WHERE m.row_num = 1;

You can query from position_overview to see the results.

SELECT * FROM position_overview LIMIT 5;
 position_id |  position_name   | league | stake_amount | max_risk | fair_value | market_price |     profit_loss     | risk_level |           last_update            
           9 | Team A vs Team C | NBA    |        495.6 |   727.74 |       1.64 |         2.07 |  213.10799999999998 | Low        | 2024-11-11 15:46:49.414689+00:00
           2 | Team B vs Team E | NBA    |        82.96 |    113.2 |       2.89 |         4.53 |            136.0544 | High       | 2024-11-11 15:46:49.410444+00:00
           9 | Team E vs Team B | NHL    |       121.86 |   158.26 |       3.04 |         2.07 | -118.20420000000003 | Low        | 2024-11-11 15:46:49.414689+00:00
           2 | Team D vs Team B | NBA    |       408.89 |   531.91 |       1.98 |         4.53 |           1042.6695 | High       | 2024-11-11 15:46:49.410444+00:00
           9 | Team C vs Team B | NFL    |       420.62 |   449.32 |       2.01 |         2.07 |  25.237200000000023 | Low        | 2024-11-11 15:46:49.414689+00:00

Monitor overall risk

The risk_summary materialized view gives an overview on the number of positions that are considered “High”, “Medium”, or “Low” risk. Group by risk_level from position_overview and count the number of positions in each category.

This allows us to quickly understand overall risk exposure across all positions.

    COUNT(*) AS position_count

You can query from risk_summary to see the results.

SELECT * FROM risk_summary;
 risk_level | position_count 
 High       |             23
 Medium     |             46
 Low        |            341

Retrieve latest market prices

The market_summary materialized view shows the current market data for each betting from the positions table. It joins positions and market_data to include the most recent market price for each bookmaker. Again, ROW_NUMBER() is used to retrieve the most recent record for each bookmaker and position.

    m.timestamp AS last_update
    positions AS p
    (SELECT position_id, bookmaker, market_price, timestamp,
            ROW_NUMBER() OVER (PARTITION BY position_id, bookmaker ORDER BY timestamp DESC) AS row_num
     FROM market_data) AS m
ON p.position_id = m.position_id
WHERE m.row_num = 1;

You can query from market_summary to see the results.

SELECT * FROM market_summary LIMIT 5;
 position_id |  position_name   | league | bookmaker  | market_price |        last_update         
           8 | Team D vs Team E | NBA    | FanDuel    |         2.07 | 2024-11-12 15:03:03.681245
           3 | Team A vs Team E | MLB    | FanDuel    |         2.27 | 2024-11-12 15:02:55.525759
           9 | Team B vs Team E | Tennis | BetMGM     |         4.77 | 2024-11-12 15:03:09.833653
           4 | Team C vs Team B | NHL    | Caesars    |         1.02 | 2024-11-12 15:03:07.767925
           3 | Team A vs Team D | NBA    | Caesars    |         2.21 | 2024-11-12 15:02:45.320730

When finished, press Ctrl+C to close the connection between RisingWave and psycopg2.


In this tutorial, you learn:

  • How to connect to RisingWave from a Python application using psycopg2.
  • How to use ROW_NUMBER() to retrieve the most recent message based on the timestamp.