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Upgrade RisingWave with Helm

This topic describes the steps to upgrade RisingWave in a Kubernetes cluster with Helm charts.


When upgrading RisingWave, it's important to be aware that there may be breaking changes. If you require technical support during the process of upgrading RisingWave in your production environments, please don't hesitate to reach out to us.

  1. Update the local cache of available charts (packages) from the configured Helm chart repositories:
helm repo update
  1. Check for available versions of RisingWave Helm charts:
helm search repo risingwavelabs/risingwave -l
risingwavelabs/risingwave 0.1.16 v1.1.3 The distributed streaming database SQL stream p...
risingwavelabs/risingwave 0.1.15 v1.1.2 The distributed streaming database SQL stream p...
risingwavelabs/risingwave 0.1.14 v1.1.1 The distributed streaming database SQL stream p...
  1. Upgrade RisingWave. You can upgrade to the latest version or a particular version.

To upgrade to the latest version:

helm upgrade --reuse-values my-risingwave risingwavelabs/risingwave

To upgrade to a particular version:

helm upgrade --set image.tag={risingwave-version} \
-f values.yaml \
--reuse-values \
--version {chart-version} \
my-risingwave risingwavelabs/risingwave

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