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String functions and operators

String operators

OperatorExpression & DescriptionExample
||expression1 || expression2 [ || expression ] ...
Concatenates two or more expressions.
'Abcde' || 1 || 23 Abcde123
^@string ^@ substring
Returns true (t) if string starts with substring. This operator is equivalent to the starts_with() function.
'abcdef' ^@ 'abc't

String functions


This function returns the Unicode code point of the first character of the input_string. If the string is empty, it returns NULL.

ascii ( input_string ) → int
ascii('RisingWave') → 82
ascii('🌊') → 127754


This function returns the number of bits in the input string, which is 8 times the octet_length.

bit_length ( input_string ) → integer
bit_length('wave') → 32


This function is equal to trim (BOTH). It removes the specified characters from both the beginning and end of the input string.

btrim ( input_string [, characters ] ) → output_string
btrim(' cake ') → 'cake'
btrim('abcxyzabc', 'cba') → 'xyz'

char_length, character_length, length

These functions return the number of characters in the input string.

char_length ( input_string ) → integer_output
character_length ( input_string ) → integer_output
length ( input_string ) → integer_output
char_length('wave') → 4


This function returns the character with the Unicode code point equivalent to the input integer value provided.

chr ( input_int ) → string
chr(65) → 'A'


This function concatenates the arguments. NULL arguments are ignored.

concat ( any_input-value_1 [, any_input-value_2 [, ...] ]) → output_string
concat('Abcde', 2, NULL, 22) → 'Abcde222'


This function concatenates the arguments with a separator. The first argument is used as the separator and should not be NULL. Other NULL arguments are ignored.

concat_ws ( separator_string, any_input-value_1 [, any_input-value_2 [, ...] ]) → output_string
concat_ws(',', 'Abcde', 2, NULL, 22) → 'Abcde,2,22'


This function decodes the text data in the input string into binary data. Supported formats for the encoded input string include base64, hex, and escape.

decode ( input_string, format_type ) → bytea
decode('MTIz', 'base64') → '123'


This function encodes the binary data in bytea into its textual representation. Supported encoding formats include base64, hex, and escape.

encode ( bytea, format_type ) → output_string
encode(E'123'::bytea, 'base64') → 'MTIz'


This function produces output formatted according to a format string, in a style similar to the C function sprintf.

format( format_string [, format_arg [, ...] ] ) → output_string

The format_string specifies how the output_string should be formatted. It consists of text and format specifiers. Text is copied directly to the output string. Format specifiers are placeholders for the arguments to be inserted into the output string. The number of format specifiers should be equal to or less than the number of arguments.

The syntax of the format specifier:


type is the type of format conversion to use to generate the output of the format specifier.

The allowed values for type are:

  • s: Formats the argument value as a string. NULL is treated as an empty string.
  • I: Treats the argument value as an SQL identifier.

Please note that format_string and format_arg can be variables.

For example, the following query works fine in RisingWave.

SELECT format(f, a, b) from (values
('%s %s', 'Hello', 'World'),
('%s%s', 'Hello', null),
(null, 'Hello', 'World')
) as t(f, a, b);
Hello World


This function capitalizes the first letter of each word in the input string and converts the remaining characters to lowercase.

initcap ( input_string ) → string
initcap('POWERFUL and flexible') → 'Powerful And Flexible'


This function converts the string to all lowercase.

lower ( input_string ) → output_string
lower('TOM') → 'tom'


This function returns the first input integer characters in the input string. If the input integer is negative, the last input_integer characters are removed from the output string.

left ( input_string, input_integer ) → output_string
left('risingwave', 4) → 'risi'
left('risingwave', -4) → 'rising'


This function pads the input string on the left with spaces until it reaches the specified input integer length. If the input string is longer than the input integer length, it is truncated to the specified length. Providing the optional padding string replaces the spaces with the padding string.

lpad ( input_string, input_int ) → string

lpad ( input_string, input_int, padding_string ) → string
lpad('42', 5) → '  &nbsp42'
lpad('42', 5, 'R') → 'RRR42'


This function is equal to trim (LEADING). It removes the specified characters from the beginning of the input string.

ltrim ( input_string [, characters ] ) → output_string
ltrim(' cake ') → 'cake '
ltrim('abcxyzabc', 'cba') → 'xyzabc'


This function returns the number of bytes in the string.

octet_length ( input_string )
octet_length('wave') → 4


This function replaces a substring in the input string with a substring, starting at a specified position and with an optional length. If the length is omitted, its value is the length of the substring.

overlay ( input_string PLACING substring FROM start_int [ FOR length_int ] ) → output_string
overlay('yabadoo' PLACING 'daba' FROM 5 FOR 0) → 'yabadabadoo'
overlay('abcdef' PLACING '45' FROM 4) → 'abc45f'
overlay('RisingWave' PLACING '🌊' FROM 7) → 'Rising🌊ave'


This function returns the starting index of the specified substring within the input string, or zero if it is not present.

position ( substring in input_string ) → integer_output
position('ing' in 'rising') → 4


Returns the number of times a POSIX regular expressions pattern appears in input_string. Back reference, positive, negative lookahead, and positive, negative lookbehind are supported. Optional flags include i, which stands for case-insensitive matching, and c, which represents case-sensitive matching.

regexp_count( input_string, pattern [, start_int [, optional_flag ]] ) → output_int
regexp_count('ABCABCAXYaxy', 'A.', 1, 'c') → 3
regexp_count('ABCABCAXYaxy', 'A.', 2, 'c') → 2


Returns a string array of captured substring(s) resulting from the first match of a POSIX regular expression pattern to a string. If there is no match, the result is NULL. Back reference, positive, negative lookahead, and positive, negative lookbehind are supported. Optional flags include i, which stands for case-insensitive matching, and c, which represents case-sensitive matching.

regexp_match( input_string, pattern [, optional_flag ] ) → matched_string[]
regexp_match('foobarbequebaz', '(bar)(beque)') → {bar,beque}
regexp_match('abc', 'd') → NULL
regexp_match('abc', 'Bc', 'ici') → {bc}


Returns a set of string arrays of captured substring(s) resulting from matching a POSIX regular expression pattern to a string. Returns all matches by default. Back reference, positive, negative lookahead, and positive, negative lookbehind are supported. Optional flags include i, which stands for case-insensitive matching, and c, which represents case-sensitive matching.

regexp_matches( input_string, pattern [, optional_flag ] ) → set_of_matched_string[]
regexp_matches('foobarbequebazilbarfbonk', '(b[^b]+)(b[^b]+)') →

regexp_matches('abcabc', 'Bc', 'i') →


Replaces the substring that is either the first match or, optionally, the N'th match to the POSIX regular expression pattern in the input_string, starting from the character index specified by the optional start_integer.

Back reference, positive, negative lookahead, and positive, negative lookbehind are supported.

Optional flags can modify the matching behavior:

  • The g flag indicates that all occurrences of the pattern in the input string should be replaced. If not used, only the first occurrence is replaced.
  • The i flag enables case-insensitive matching.
  • The c flag enables case-sensitive matching.

Note: If start_integer is used, flags is not permitted unless N_integer is also specified.

regexp_replace( input_string, pattern, replacement_string [, start_integer [, N_integer ] ] [, flags ] ) → output_string
regexp_replace('foobarbaz', 'b(..)', 'X\1Y', 'g') → fooXarYXazY

regexp_replace('HELLO world', '[aeiou]', 'X', 'ig') → HXLLX wXrld

regexp_replace('RisingWave', '[aeiou]', 'X', 1, 3, 'i') → RisingWXve


This function splits a string into an array of substrings based on a regular expression pattern.

regexp_split_to_array ( input_string TEXT, pattern TEXT )TEXT[]
regexp_split_to_array('apple,banana,orange', ',') → {apple,banana,orange}
regexp_split_to_array('apple.banana!orange', '[.!]') → {apple,banana,orange}
regexp_split_to_array('applebananaorange', ',') → {applebananaorange}


Repeats input_string specific times. Null is returned when times_int is zero, negative, or null.

repeat( input_string, times_int ) → output_string
repeat('A1b2', 3) → A1b2A1b2A1b2


Replaces all occurrences of substring from_string in input_string with substring to_string.

replace( input_string, from_string, to_string ) → output_string
replace('abcdefabcdef', 'cd', 'XX') → abXXefabXXef


Returns the input_string with its characters in the reverse order.

reverse( input_string ) → string
reverse('RisingWave') → evaWgnisiR

Returns the last input_integer characters in the input_string. If input_integer is negative, the first |input_integer| characters are removed from output_string.

right( input_string, input_integer ) → output_string
right('risingwave', 4) → wave
right('risingwave', -4) → ngwave


Pads the input string on the right with spaces until it reaches the specified length. If the string is longer than the specified length, it is truncated to the specified length. Providing the optional padding string replaces the spaces with the padding string.

rpad( input_string, input_int, padding_string ) → string
rpad('42', 5) → '42    '
rpad('42', 5, 'R') → '42RRR'


Equals to trim (TRAILING).

rtrim( input_string[, characters] ) → output_string
rtrim(' cake ') → 'cake'
rtrim('abcxyzabc', 'cba') → 'abcxyz'


Splits the input string at occurrences of the delimiter string and returns the n'th field (counting from one), or when n is negative, returns the |n|'th-from-last field. When n is zero, returns an 'InvalidParameterValue' error. When the input delimiter string is an empty string, returns the input string if querying the first or last field. Otherwise, returns an empty string.

split_part( input_string, delimiter_string, int_n ) → varchar
split_part('abc~@~def~@~ghi', '~@~', 2) → 'def'


Returns true if the input string starts with the specified prefix string, otherwise returns false.

starts_with( input_string, prefix_string ) → boolean
starts_with('RisingWave is powerful', 'Rising') → true


Extracts the substring from input_string starting at position start_int and extending for count_int characters.

substr( input_string, start_int[, count_int] ) → output_string
substr('alphabet', 3) → 'phabet';
substring('alphabet', 3, 2) → 'ph'


Returns the input string with non-ASCII characters replaced by their closest ASCII equivalents.

to_ascii( input_string ) → string
to_ascii('Café') → 'Cafe'


Converts input_int or input_bigint to its hexadecimal representation as a string.

to_hex( input_int ) → string
to_hex(255) → 'ff'
to_hex(123456789012345678) → '1b69b4ba630f34e'


Replaces each character in the input_string that matches a character in the from_string with the corresponding character in the to_string.

translate( input_string, from_string, to_string ) → output_string
translate('M1X3', '13', 'ae') → 'MaXe'


Trims the longest contiguous substring of characters from the beginning, end, or both ends (BOTH by default) of input_string that contains only the characters specified in characters (which defaults to whitespace if not specified).

There are two syntax variants.

trim( [ LEADING | TRAILING | BOTH ] [ characters ] FROM input_string ) → output_string
trim( [ LEADING | TRAILING | BOTH ]  [FROM ] input_string[, characters] ) → output_string
trim(' cake ') → 'cake'
trim(both 'cba' from 'abcxyzabc') → 'xyz'
trim(both from 'abcxyzabc', 'cba') → 'xyz'
trim('abcxyzabc', 'cba') → 'xyz'


Converts the string to all uppercase.

upper( input_string ) → output_string
upper('tom') → 'TOM'

LIKE pattern matching expressions

string [ NOT ] { LIKE | ILIKE } pattern [ ESCAPE '' ]

string [!]~~[*] pattern [ ESCAPE '' ]

The LIKE expression returns true if the string matches the supplied pattern. The NOT LIKE expression returns false if LIKE returns true. By using ILIKE instead of LIKE, the matching becomes case-insensitive.

Alternatively, you can use the operators ~~ and ~~* as equivalents to LIKE and ILIKE, respectively. Similarly, the operators !~~ and !~~* equal to NOT LIKE and NOT ILIKE.


  • An underscore _ in a pattern matches any single character

  • A percent sign % matches any sequence of zero or more characters.

If the pattern does not contain _ or %, then the pattern only represents the string itself. For example, the pattern 'apple' matches only the string 'apple'. In that case, LIKE acts like the equals operator =.


To match a literal underscore or percent sign without matching other characters, the respective character in pattern must be preceded by the escape character \. To match the escape character itself, write two escape characters: \\.

You can use ESCAPE '' to disable the escape mechanism, but specifying a custom escape character using the ESCAPE clause is not supported.


'abc' LIKE 'abc'           true
'abc' LIKE 'a%' true
'abc' LIKE '_b_' true
'abc' LIKE 'c' false

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