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Ingest data from Upstash Kafka

You can ingest data from Kafka deployed in Upstash into RisingWave. Upstash is a serverless platform that offers Redis, Kafka, and Qstash, providing the benefits of scalability, advanced security options, and dedicated support.

Set up Kafka on Upstash

This guide goes through the steps to create a Kafka cluster on Upstash and to connect it to RisingWave for data ingestion. For more information regarding the data ingestion from Upstash, please refer to Upstash Documentation.

Sign up for an Upstash Cloud account

Begin by signing up for a free Upstash Cloud account, which provides access to Kafka services. To create an account, visit Upstash Cloud Account.

Sign up for Upstash Cloud

Create a Kafka cluster

Once you are logged in, create your Kafka cluster with the following details:

  • Cluster Name: Give your Kafka cluster a unique name for identification.
  • Region: Choose the region where your Kafka cluster will be hosted.
  • Cluster Type: Select the cluster type that suits your needs.
Create a cluster

Set up a Kafka topic

After creating your Kafka cluster, set up a Kafka topic. Upstash Kafka provides default configurations for the number of partitions and retention policy, simplifying the setup process.

Create a topic

Connect and interact with your Kafka cluster

You are now ready to connect to your Kafka cluster using various Kafka clients. These clients enable you to both produce and consume data from your Kafka topic. Therefore, you can extract real-time data from the Python Wikipedia API and feed it into a Kafka topic in Upstash.

Connect and interact with your Kafka cluster

With these steps, you are on your way to leveraging the capabilities of Upstash Kafka and RisingWave to build stream processing applications and pipelines!

For detailed documentation and client-specific guides, please refer to Upstash Kafka Documentation.

Ingest and process data from Upstash Kafka

Create a RisingWave project

Create a RisingWave project in RisingWave Cloud using the free plan. See the documentation of RisingWave Cloud for instructions.

Create a source

Once you have deployed the RisingWave project, create a source in the Query console using the following SQL query:

CREATE SOURCE wiki_source (
contributor VARCHAR,
title VARCHAR,
edit_timestamp TIMESTAMPTZ,
registration TIMESTAMPTZ,
gender VARCHAR,
edit_count VARCHAR
connector = 'kafka',
topic = '<topic-name>',
properties.bootstrap.server = '<broker-url>',
scan.startup.mode = 'earliest',
properties.sasl.mechanism = 'SCRAM-SHA-512', = 'SASL_SSL',
properties.sasl.username = '<your-username>',
properties.sasl.password = '<your-password>'

Create a materialized view

Let's create a materialized view named wiki_mv based on the source wiki_source, which filters out the rows with null values.

CAST(edit_timestamp AS TIMESTAMP) AS edit_timestamp,
CAST(registration AS TIMESTAMP) AS registration,
CAST(edit_count AS INT) AS edit_count
FROM wiki_source
WHERE edit_timestamp IS NOT NULL
AND registration IS NOT NULL
AND edit_count IS NOT NULL;

Query the materialized view

The materialized view can be queried to retrieve the latest data from the source:

SELECT * FROM wiki_mv LIMIT 5;

The retrieved result should look like this:

contributor    |   title                     |     edit_timestamp             |       registration        | gender  | edit_count

Omnipaedista | Template:Good and evil | 2023-12-03 10:22:02+00:00 | 2008-12-14 06:02:32+00:00 | male | 222563
PepeBonus | Moshi mo Inochi ga Egaketara| 2023-12-03 10:22:16+00:00 | 2012-06-02 13:39:53+00:00 | unknown | 20731
Koulog | Ionikos F.C. | 2023-12-03 10:23:00+00:00 | 2023-10-28 05:52:35+00:00 | unknown | 691
Fau Tzy | 2023 Liga 3 Maluku | 2023-12-03 10:23:17+00:00 | 2022-07-23 09:53:11+00:00 | unknown | 4697
Cavarrone | Cheers (season 8) | 2023-12-03 10:23:40+00:00 | 2008-08-23 11:13:14+00:00 | male | 83643

(5 rows)

You have successfully consumed data from an Upstash Kafka topic into the RisingWave, created a source and a materialized view, and then queried it.

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