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Configure node-specific parameters

In RisingWave, certain parameters are node-specific and can vary between different nodes. These parameters are typically stored in a TOML configuration file, which is read at system startup.

Setting up node-specific parameters

Node-specific parameters can be configured in the risingwave.toml configuration file. Here's the steps on how to set them up:

  1. Create or locate your risingwave.toml file.

    This file will contain all your node-specific configurations. If it doesn't exist, create a new one.

  2. Edit the risingwave.toml file.

    Open the file in a text editor. Each parameter should be specified in the format parameter_name = value. For example:

    dir = "/risingwave/foyer/meta"
    capacity_mb = 20480
  3. Save your changes.

    After editing, save the risingwave.toml file.

  4. Provide the configuration file to the node.

    You can do this via the --config-path command-line argument when starting the node. For example:

    risingwave --config-path=/path/to/risingwave.toml

    Alternatively, you can set the RW_CONFIG_PATH environment variable to the path of your risingwave.toml file.

    For example, in a Kubernetes environment, you can copy the configuration file into the Docker container, or mount a path containing the configuration file into the pod. Then, specify the path to the configuration file using the RW_CONFIG_PATH environment variable or the --config-path command-line argument.

  5. Restart the node.

    For the changes to take effect, you may need to restart the node.

Any items present in risingwave.toml will override the default values in the source code. If no configuration file is specified, the default values in /risingwave/src/common/src/ will be used.

Node-specific parameters

See Node-specific parameters for a list of node-specific parameters.

The parameters can vary between different nodes, depending on the disk configuration of each machine.

Here's an example of these parameters:

dir = ""
capacity_mb = 1024
file_capacity_mb = 64
device_align = 4096
device_io_size = 16384
flushers = 4
reclaimers = 4
recover_concurrency = 8
lfu_window_to_cache_size_ratio = 1
lfu_tiny_lru_capacity_ratio = 0.01
insert_rate_limit_mb = 0
catalog_bits = 6
compression = "none"

dir = ""
capacity_mb = 1024
file_capacity_mb = 64
device_align = 4096
device_io_size = 16384
flushers = 4
reclaimers = 4
recover_concurrency = 8
lfu_window_to_cache_size_ratio = 1
lfu_tiny_lru_capacity_ratio = 0.01
insert_rate_limit_mb = 0
catalog_bits = 6
compression = "none"

data_refill_levels = []
timeout_ms = 6000
concurrency = 10
unit = 64
threshold = 0.5
recent_filter_layers = 6
recent_filter_rotate_interval_ms = 10000

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