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Use the DROP SOURCE command to remove a source if you no longer need the data inflow from the source.

Before you can remove a source, you must use DROP MATERIALIZED VIEW to remove all its dependent materialized views.


DROP SOURCE [ IF EXISTS ] [schema_name.]source_name [ CASCADE ];


schema_nameThe schema of the source that you want to remove. You can use SHOW SCHEMAS to get a list of all available schemas. If you don't specify a schema, the specified source in the default schema public will be removed.
source_nameThe name of the source to remove.
CASCADE optionIf this option is specified, all objects (such as materialized views) that depend on the source, and in turn all objects that depend on those objects will be dropped.


This statement removes the rw_source source in the default schema (public) from the database:

DROP SOURCE rw_source;

This statement removes the rw_source source in the rw_schema schema from the database:

DROP SOURCE IF EXISTS rw_schema.rw_source;

See also

CREATE SOURCE — Create a source.

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