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Embedded Python UDFs

You can define embedded Python UDFs, which will be executed in an embedded Python interpreter within RisingWave. The Python code is directly included within the CREATE FUNCTION statement.

Currently, embedded Python UDFs only support pure computational logic and do not support accessing external networks or file systems. If you need to access external services or resources, you can use Python UDFs as external functions.

Define your functions

You can create Python UDFs using the CREATE FUNCTION command. Refer to the syntax below:

CREATE FUNCTION function_name (arg_name arg_type [, ...])
[RETURNS return_type | RETURNS TABLE (column_name column_type [, ...])]
AS [$$ function_body $$ | 'function_body'];

For example, the scalar function gcd can be defined as follows:

Create function
CREATE FUNCTION gcd(a int, b int) RETURNS int LANGUAGE python AS $$
def gcd(a, b):
while b != 0:
a, b = b, a % b
return a

The Python code must contain a function that has the same name as declared in the CREATE FUNCTION statement. The function's parameters and return type must match those declared in the CREATE FUNCTION statement, otherwise, an error may occur when the function is called.

See the correspondence between SQL types and Python types in the Data type mapping.

Call function
SELECT gcd(15, 25);

(1 row)

For table functions, your function needs to return an iterator using the yield statement. For example, to generate a sequence from 0 to n-1:

Create function
CREATE FUNCTION series(n int) RETURNS TABLE (x int) LANGUAGE python AS $$
def series(n):
for i in range(n):
yield i
Call function
SELECT * FROM series(5);

(5 rows)

If your function returns structured types, the Python function should return an object or dictionary containing structured data. For example, to parse key-value pairs in a string, both of the following implementations work:

Create function
CREATE FUNCTION key_value(varchar) RETURNS STRUCT<key varchar, value varchar> LANGUAGE python AS $$
def key_value(s: str):
key, value = s.split('=')
return {'key': key, 'value': value}
Create function
CREATE FUNCTION key_value(varchar) RETURNS STRUCT<key varchar, value varchar> LANGUAGE python AS $$
class KeyValue:
def __init__(self, key, value):
self.key = key
self.value = value

def key_value(s: str):
key, value = s.split('=')
return KeyValue(key, value)


Currently, embedded Python UDFs are only allowed to use the following standard libraries: json, decimal, re, math, datetime. Other third-party libraries are not supported. Embedded Python UDFs cannot access external resources, and the following built-in functions are also not allowed: breakpoint, exit, eval, help, input, open, print.

Data type mapping

The following table shows the data type mapping between SQL and Python:

SQL TypePython TypeNotes
DATEdatetime.dateNot supported yet.
TIMEdatetime.timeNot supported yet.
TIMESTAMPdatetime.datetimeNot supported yet.
TIMESTAMPTZdatetime.datetimeNot supported yet.
INTERVALMonthDayNano / (int, int, int)Not supported yet.
JSONBbool, int, float, list, dict
STRUCT<>class or dict
...othersNot supported yet.

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