Ingest data from Supabase CDC
Supabase is an open-source Firebase alternative. It uses PostgreSQL as the underlying storage system and therefore can be integrated with RisingWave seamlessly.
You can ingest data from Supabase into RisingWave. For more details on this integration, we have an end-to-end demo to showcase how Supabase seamlessly integrates with RisingWave.
Set up Supabase
Create a Supabase project and a source table. Enable real-time when creating the table to allow RisingWave to ingest CDC data.
Ingest CDC data into RisingWave
Since every Supabase project is a dedicated PostgreSQL database, use the PostgreSQL source connector to ingest CDC data from RisingWave. For the syntax, parameters, and examples, see Ingest data from PostgreSQL CDC.
To start ingesting data from Supabase, a connection with the database must be established first by using the CREATE SOURCE
To ingest data from a specific table, use the CREATE TABLE
command. A primary key must be defined.
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