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The ALTER SCHEMA command modifies the definition of a schema. To use this command, you must own the schema.


ALTER SCHEMA current_schema_name 

alter_option depends on the operation you want to perform on the schema. For all supported clauses, see the sections below.



ALTER SCHEMA current_schema_name
OWNER TO new_user;
Parameter or clauseDescription
OWNER TOThis clause changes the owner of the schema. To alter the owner, you must be able to SET ROLE to the new owning role, and you must have the CREATEDB privilege. Note that superusers have all these privileges automatically.
new_userThe new owner you want to assign to the schema.
-- Change the owner of the schema named "schema1" to user "user1"
ALTER SCHEMA schema1 OWNER TO user1;


ALTER SCHEMA current_schema_name
RENAME TO new_name;
Parameter or clauseDescription
RENAME TOThis clause changes the name of the schema. To rename a schema you must also have the CREATE privilege for the database. Note that superusers have the privilege automatically.
new_nameThe new name of the schema.
-- Rename the schema named "schema0" to "schema1".
ALTER SCHEMA schema0 RENAME TO schema1;

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