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The WITH ORDINALITY clause can be used with set functions in the FROM clause of a query. An additional integer column will be added to the table, which numbers the rows returned by the function, starting from 1. By default, the generated column is named ordinality.

See Set-returning functions for a list of supported set functions.

Here is a simple example of how the WITH ORDINALITY clause works.

SELECT * FROM unnest(array[0,1,2]) WITH ORDINALITY;

The output will be as follows.

 unnest | ordinality
0 | 1
1 | 2
2 | 3

If we have a table t like so:


We can use the unnest function on the column arr, call WITH ORDINALITY, and rename the newly generated columns.

SELECT * FROM t CROSS JOIN unnest(t.arr) WITH ORDINALITY AS x(elts, num);

The results will be as follows.

   arr   | elts | num
{a,b,c} | c | 3
{a,b,c} | b | 2
{a,b,c} | a | 1
{d,e} | e | 2
{d,e} | d | 1

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