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Overview of data types

RisingWave supports the following data types:

booleanboolLogical Boolean.
It follows a three-valued logic system (true, false, or null).
true, false, or null
smallintTwo-byte integerRange: -32768 to 32767
integerintFour-byte integerRange: -2147483648 to 2147483647
bigintEight-byte integerRange: -9223372036854775808 to 9223372036854775807
numericdecimalExact numeric.
We do not support specifying precision and scale as of now.
Precision: 28 decimal digits. Note that the range is smaller compared to PostgreSQL.
realSingle precision floating-point number (4 bytes)Range: 6 decimal digits precision
double precisiondoubleDouble precision floating-point number (8 bytes)Range: 15 decimal digits precision
character varyingvarchar, stringVariable-length character string.
We do not support specifying the maximum length as of now.
Example: 'Hello World!'
byteaBinary strings.
RisingWave only supports the hex formats for input and output; the escape format is not supported yet.
Syntax: ' \x binary_string '
Example: '\xDe00BeEf'
dateCalendar date (year, month, day)Example: date '2022-04-08'
time without time zonetimeTime of day (no time zone)Example: time '18:20:49'
timestamp without time zonetimestampDate and time (no time zone)Example: '2022-03-13 01:00:00'::timestamp
timestamp with time zonetimestamptzTimestamp with time zone.
The 'Z' stands for UTC (Coordinated Universal Time). Timestamptz values are stored in UTC. When sinking downstream, timestamptz is represented in i64 with a resolution of microseconds.
Example: '2022-03-13 01:00:00Z'::timestamptz
intervalTime span.
Input in string format. Units include: second/seconds/s, minute/minutes/min/m, hour/hours/hr/h, day/days/d, month/months/mon, and year/years/yr/y. Units smaller than second can only be specified in a numerical format.
Examples: interval '4 hour'04:00:00
interval '3 day'3 days 00:00:00
interval '04:00:00.1234'04:00:00.1234
structA struct is a column that contains nested data.For syntax and examples, see Struct.
arrayAn array is an ordered list of zero or more elements that share the same data type.For syntax and examples, see Array.
mapA map contains key-value pairs.For syntax and examples, see Map.
JSONBA (binary) JSON value that ignores semantically-insignificant whitespaces or order of object keys.For syntax and examples, see JSONB.

Scientific notation (e.g., 1e6, 1.25e5, and 1e-4) is supported in SELECT and INSERT statements.


For details about data type casting, see Casting.

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