This page provides a complete reference for all configuration parameters used when connecting RisingWave to a PostgreSQL database for Change Data Capture (CDC) via the WITH clause of a CREATE SOURCE or CREATE TABLE ... FROM source statement. For step-by-step instructions on setting up PostgreSQL for CDC and connecting to RisingWave, see the Connect to PostgreSQL CDC guide.


Syntax for creating a CDC source.

   <field>=<value>, ...

Syntax for creating a CDC table on top of this CDC Source. Note that a primary key is required and must be consistent with the upstream table. We must also specify the Postgres table name (pg_table_name) which we are selecting from.

   column_name data_type PRIMARY KEY , ...
   PRIMARY KEY ( column_name, ... )
[ INCLUDE timestamp AS column_name ]
FROM source TABLE pg_table_name;

Connector parameters

connectorMust be set to 'postgres-cdc'.Yes
hostnameThe hostname or IP address of your PostgreSQL database server.Yes
portThe port number of your PostgreSQL database server. The default PostgreSQL port is 5432.Yes
usernameThe username for connecting to your PostgreSQL database. This user must have the necessary privileges for CDC (see the Connect to PostgreSQL CDC guide).Yes
passwordThe password for the PostgreSQL user.Yes
database.nameThe name of the PostgreSQL database to connect to.Yes
schema.nameThe name of the PostgreSQL schema containing the table you want to ingest data from. If not specified, defaults to 'public'.No
table.nameThe name of the PostgreSQL table to ingest data from. Note: When creating a table from a shared source, this parameter is not specified in the WITH clause. Instead, it’s specified in the FROM source TABLE pg_table_name clause.Yes
slot.nameThe name of the PostgreSQL replication slot to use. If not specified, RisingWave will generate a unique, random slot name. Each source should have its own unique slot name. Valid characters are lowercase letters, numbers, and underscore, with length no more than 63 characters.No
auto.schema.changeSpecify whether you want to enable replicating Postgres table schema changeNo
ssl.modeThe ssl.mode parameter determines the level of SSL/TLS encryption for secure communication with Postgres. Accepted values are disabled, preferred, required, verify-ca, and verify-full. The default value is disabled.
  • When set to required, it enforces TLS for establishing a connection;
  • When set to verify-ca, it verifies that the server is trustworthy by checking the certificate chain up to the root certificate stored on the client;
  • When set to verify-full, it verifies the certificate and also ensures the server hostname matches the name in the certificate.
ssl.root.certSpecify the root certificate secret. You must create secret first and then use it here.No
publication.nameThe name of the PostgreSQL publication to use. If not specified, defaults to 'rw_publication'.No
publication.create.enableWhether to automatically create the publication if it doesn’t exist. Defaults to true. If set to false and the publication doesn’t exist, an error will occur.No
transactionalWhether to enable transactions for the CDC table. Defaults to true for shared sources and false otherwise. Note that transactions involving changes to more than 4096 rows cannot be guaranteed due to performance considerations. Also supported for shared CDC sources for multi-table transactions.No

Parameters for CREATE TABLE ... FROM source

These parameters are used only when creating a table from a shared CDC source (CREATE TABLE ... FROM source).

snapshotIf false, disables CDC backfill (initial snapshot). Only upstream events after table creation will be consumed. This option only applies to tables created from a shared source.Notrue
snapshot.intervalSpecifies the barrier interval for buffering upstream events.No1
snapshot.batch_sizeSpecifies the batch size of a snapshot read query from the upstream table.No1000

Debezium parameters

You can also specify any valid Debezium PostgreSQL connector configuration property in the WITH clause. Prefix the Debezium parameter name with debezium..

For example, to skip unknown DDL statements, use:

debezium.schema.history.internal.skip.unparseable.ddl = 'true'

Data format

RisingWave uses the Debezium JSON format for PostgreSQL CDC data. This format does not need to be explicitly specified in the CREATE SOURCE or CREATE TABLE statement when using the postgres-cdc connector. For details on the structure of Debezium JSON, see Data formats and encoding options.

Time travel

Time travel is not supported.

Metadata options

database_nameName of the database.
schema_nameName of the schema.
table_nameName of the table.