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Develop with RisingWave Cloud

RisingWave Cloud leverages the superpower of RisingWave, an open-source distributed SQL database specifically designed for stream processing. RisingWave provides an interface language that resembles PostgreSQL, enabling your team to build real-time data services without the high engineering cost and complexity of traditional stream processing.

RisingWave user docs

Developers can refer to the user documentation for RisingWave to develop streaming applications with RisingWave Cloud. The documentation covers essential topics such as data ingestion, SQL references, data delivery, client libraries, and ecosystem, providing comprehensive information on how to utilize the capabilities of RisingWave to build and manage data workflows that consume streaming data, perform incremental computations, and update results dynamically.

RisingWave user docs
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How to use the docs

RisingWave is a rapidly evolving system, with new features added with each release. However, this also means some features may not function properly in older versions. Therefore, when using the RisingWave user docs, it's important to select the corresponding documentation version based on the RisingWave version in your project.

Check RisingWave version

To check your current version, go to Projects.

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Select the version of the corresponding docs when using the RisingWave user docs.

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Top read topics for developers



See how RisingWave can integrate with your existing data stack. Vote for your favorite data tools and streaming services to help us prioritize the integration development.


Connect to and ingest data from external sources such as databases and message brokers. See supported data sources.


Stream processed data out of RisingWave to message brokers and databases. See supported data destinations.

Process data with RisingWave

SQL references

SQL syntax and functionality supported by RisingWave. While RisingWave is wire-compatible with PostgreSQL, it has some unique features and notable differences.

Use RisingWave in your applications

Client libraries

RisingWave offers support for popular PostgreSQL drivers, enabling seamless integration with your applications for interacting with it.

More to read

About RisingWave

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